Extramural Projects
Effect of change in light-dark cycle on beta cell function and FoxO localization in Fisher 344 animal mode
Principal Investigator : Dr. Krishna G Seshadri, Head, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, MGMCRI
Co- Principal Investigator : Dr. Balanehru Subramanian, Director & PI, CAReTS, Â CIDRF, SBV
Sanctioned Amount : 11.42 Lakhs
Manpower Employed: Dr. B. Sundarakrishnan, Post Doctoral Fellow
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex metabolic disease caused as a consequence of interactions between genetic predisposition and environmental triggers. Recently described triggering factor associated with development of T2DM is the disturbance of circadian rhythms due to nocturnal lifestyle due to shift work and sleep loss. However, the underlying mechanisms are not known clearly. This study aims towards the evaluation of effect of change in light-dark cycle on beta cell function and FoxO localization in animal model.
Funding Source : Primer Academy of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru