- Automated tissue processor
- Biological safety cabinet – (Type B)
- Biological safety cabinet – (Type C)
- Bright field microscope
- Cage change station
- Clinical analyzer
- CO2 incubator (Hypoxia enabled)
- CO2 incubator
- Quartz distillation Unit
- Electrolyte Analyzer
- Elisa Plate reader
- Fluorescent imaging system
- Fluorescent microscope
- Deep freezer -20 ⁰C
- Deep freezer -80 ⁰C
- Gel documentation system/unit
- Gel rocker
- Hematology analyzer
- Euthanasia Chamber
- Autoclave
- Animal restrainer
- The horizontal gel electrophoresis system
- Hot plate magnetic stirrer
- Individually ventilated caging system
- Microwave
- Mini spin
- pH meter
- Real-Time PCR
- Refrigerators
- Rotary manual microtome
- Cell culture safe aspiration system
- The whole animal imaging system
- Semi-automated tissue embedder
- Urine Analyzer
- The vertical gel electrophoresis system
- Vortex
- Hi-precision weighing balance
- Western blotting unit
- Automated nucleic acid extractor
- Tissue Flotation Bath
- Fluorescent cell imaging system with onstage incubator

- Small Animal Housing/Testing
- Cell Culture
- Pathology
- Clinical Chemistry
- Molecular Biology
- Microscopy & Imaging
- Microbiology
- Genetic Toxicology