A Center of

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV), puducherry

Regional Small Animal Research Facility for Preclinical Studies and Services Established under the joint initiative of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

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Nipuna- Biomedical Research Skill Development Programme

 “Nipuna” (Sanskrit – meaning skilled) is the operational name of the “Biomedical Research Skill Development Programme” under the Training Core of CAReTS, Puducherry.   Carts Nipuna aims at developing skilled manpower development in transdisciplinary technology and research relevant to the healthcare industry.  Nipuna adopts a credit-based system of learning, to offer interlinked modules teaching, practice, project, and portfolio-based learning opportunity.  The practical module of this Biomedical Research Skill Development Programme is strategically planned with hands-on training with dates adjusted to fit the academic calendar.    Participants can bank the credits earned in each module towards various levels of Certifications such as Short-term course, Certificate course, Diploma course, PG Diploma course etc.  This enhances the skill and employability and entrepreneurship of the student and faculty.  Nipuna is open to all medical, dental, pharmacy, veterinary, AYUSH, allied health sciences, paramedical, life science students, faculty, research scholars and others in the healthcare industry.

Record -Regional Co-Operation on Research and Development

The Regional Cooperation on Research & Development (ReCORD) is a consortium-style group of like-minded partners, ranging from academics to entrepreneurs, engaged or interested in research and development involving laboratory animals and animal alternatives methods. ReCORD envisions embarking on a partner-infused pool of expertise allowing the region to benefit from a free intellectual and technical cosmos of expertise.  The conceptual aim of ReCORD is to co-op such a network through collaborative research & development, an organization of workshops, training, conferences, lectures, short-term projects and courses for early stage and needy researchers. ReCORD will also create a module of information sharing via an updated database of regional researchers from many different disciplines and through an electronic bulletin. The ReCORD is created as part of the objectives of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India sponsored regional GLP-enabled state of art Small Animal Research Facility for Preclinical studies and services.  The facility created under the ambit of Center for Animal Research, Training and Services (CAReTS) will function as the host. You are invited to be part of this “Consortium” as a regional expert in your area of R&D interest.  Please send me an email <[email protected]> expressing your intent.


RASA- Regional Animal Sample Archive

Regional Animal Sample Archive (RASA) was established to promote effective implementation of 3R Principle (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement).  Institutional animal ethics committee clearance for this programme has already been obtained. This is a lab animal reduction programme with the following objectives:

  1. To acquire, collect and preserve biological samples from the animals used in the research facility in and around Puducherry.
  2. To develop an archive for the samples collected in the facility.
  3. To promote effective use of laboratory research animals.

The outcome of this programme will deliver the following:

  1. To use animals which are discarded from the experimental study.
  2. Execution of this project will enable us to implement the CPSCEA recommended animal reduction policies.
  3. Minimizing bio-waste.
  4. To develop an archive in the facility for various tissues samples.

Sarathy-Predictive Genetic Testing

Sarathy is a predictive genetic testing programme initiated to provide access to advanced technology for the benefit of human wellbeing in disease detection for refined patient management.  Sarathy is a cooperative endeavour between clinicians, scientists and the public in need.  Sarathy is at the initial stages of development and welcomes like-minded professionals and the public to be part of this endeavour.


Ring-Research interns for next generations

Started as a “Research Chat Club” in 2014 with a group of first-year M.B.B.S. students interested to undertake medical research along with medical education.  The students are committed to reduce their online social chat and focus on research.  Members of this group are called ‘Ringers’.  Ringers are pampered to develop a passion for research as part of their professional career.   The vision is to embrace and encourage enthusiastic students from all institutions in Puducherry, by providing a common research platform, to form “Ringers of Puducherry”.  The CAReTS will create the platform for the “Ringers of Puducherry” – a unique initiative for the future generation.

Vendredi - Open House

Vendredi (Friday in French) is an ‘open house’ programme on all Fridays for anyone interested in research to visit Center for Animal Research, Training and Services (CAReTS) in order to learn more about the center, its research infrastructure, and capabilities.

Any visitor will get a free tour of the facility with a unique opportunity to learn and discuss with the faculty of CAReTS, any opportunity for joint research or research training or research services.  There is no appointment needed to visit.  CAReTS welcome you!


RajaG – Innovative thinker healthcare award

CAReTS are proud to announce the “Innovative Healthcare Thinker Award” under its Research Interns for Next Generation (RING) programme to identify novel biomedical healthcare research concepts.  Specifically, this programme supports the initial exploration of untested but potentially innovative ideas.  Competitive concepts will describe an idea that takes research in a substantially new direction.  No preliminary data is required.  The goal of this award programme is to advance novel concepts that may eventually lead to significant improvements in Healthcare and Quality of Life.  Each awardee will get CAReTS’ “Research Intern for Next Generation (RING)” medal and certificate of honor. Three awardees in each category will be selected for the cash price.  Awardees will be permitted to execute their novel research idea to bring out research publication and/or patent at the research laboratory of CAReTS, Puducherry.

PIPERS-Practice Integrated Pathology Education Research and Services

CAReTS are strategically translating its strengths in pathology infrastructure to a value-added programme called PIPERS – Practice Integrated Pathology Education, Research and Services.  PIPERS will be involved in the promotion of basic and advanced pathology techniques skill development, education in advanced technology, research and patient services.  Specifically,

  • Organize a yearly four-part pathology specific skill development training on advanced pathology techniques under our successful Nipuna – Biomedical Research Skill Development Programme.
  • Engage UG/PG students of SBV in an internship programme to gain knowledge, exposure and hands-on experience on advanced instrumentation.
  • To expedite pathology patient services by accepting samples for processing using the state of art facility at CAReTS