- Started in the year 2001 to fulfill the aims and objectives of SBV & its constituent colleges
- Housed in an exclusive multi-storied building with a carpet area of 4,400 sqm with 8 Reading rooms which are easily accessible to faculty and students of the campus
- Open on all days with the exception of National and other holidays
- Study space for more than 500 students
- Learning Management System (LMS) – Ganesha’s Canvas
- Software : Garuda (MGMCRI) – totally automated
- 143 Workstations – one of the largest clusters of student PCs
- Wi-Fi access throughout the campus
- Access to more than 2500 e-journals
- Access to more than 10,000 e-books
- Modern Seminar halls with the state-of-the-art AV aids
- Digital Library
- E-LEARNING centre
- Internet –Kiosk
- Question Bank
- Entry through Biometric System.
The Central Library was started in the year 2001 with the establishment of The Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute popularly known as MGMCRI by SRI BALAJI EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE PUBLIC TRUST, as a maiden venture with an intake of 100 students. From 2014-15 the number of UG intake has been increased to 250 and MGMCRI is one of the six Medical Colleges which got MCI approval for 250 intake. The Library was established to fulfill the aims and objectives of MGMCRI and its constituent colleges.
The Aims and Objectives of MGMCRI are :
- To provide high quality medical education
- To provide high quality of health care at affordable cost and
- To produce high quality Medical personnel
The Central Library is playing a key role in achieving the above objectives of MGMCRI and its constituent colleges Viz, KGNC and IGIDS by providing
- Excellent supporting service to the academic fraternity of MGMCRI, KGNC and IGIDS
- Cultivating reading habits among the students community by providing excellent library facilities and resources
- Latest information to update ones knowledge in his / her field by acquiring, storing and disseminating latest information.
- Health professionals of high standard
- Health information to all – academician, policy makers, planners, administrators and all those engaged in promoting heath
- To be one of the best health science Libraries in Pondicherry
The Library is housed in its own building spread over 4400 sqmt with three floors.
The library is kept open for 14 hours a day (8A.M. TO 10 P.M.)on all working days, for PG and Faculties the Own Book Reading Session in ground floor will be open till 12 AM, and from 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. on Sundays.
Organizational Structure
The Library has a three tier set up as under:
- Ground Floor
- First Floor
- Second Floor and
- Third Floor
Ground Floor
- Pre-Clinical section which includes the books on all basic sciences with stack and reading with prominent shelf guides for locating the books.
- Internet browsing center with 25 computers
- Magazine and News papers
- Mini Seminar Room for conducting mini workshop / conference and meeting with capacity for 110.
First Floor
- Para clinical and Clinical with stack and reading with prominent shelf guides for locating the books.
Second Floor
- Faculty and PG stack and reading with prominent shelf guides for locating the books.
- Current journals
- Separate internet browsing for PG and faculty with 20 system for each.
- E Learning
- Digital Library
- Thesis collection
- Archives Collection
Separate Reading Room (Faculty and Intern)
- For faculty with 20 systems in the Second Floor,
- For PG – Intern with 20 system in the Second Floor.
 Third Floor
- Â Own Book Reading Section
       For Students using their Personal / Own Books, there is a separate own book reading section fully Air Conditioned in the third floor of the library having seating capacity for 250 students.
The Library has a collection of 23,300 books and reports which includes WHO Publication, UN/UNESCO Publication, Health Ministry Publications, ICMR and DGHS Publications, archives, Theses and C.D’s. The collection is being updated periodically and new books / editions are added. The collections include not only books on “HEALTH AND ALLIED SCIENCES “ but also in other areas like Computer Science, Management, Yoga and Books by and on great personalities like Pt. NEHRU, GANDHI, SWAMI VIVEKANDA etc thus making the library collection with variety of Books.
The Library is currently subscribing to 134 print journals (National 71 and international 63).
ONLINE JOURNALS : Proquest – Medical and Health Complete.
The Library subscribes the above databases 3000 journals are available. Full text for most of the journals are available and print out can be taken. In additional to this, Scopus database is also subscribed.
There are 2662 archives collection starting from 2001
Facilities and Services
CAS: (Current awareness services).
For keeping abreast with the latest information, The library sends intimation by mail to all departments about the receipt of latest books and journals.
Signage :
A signage is displayed at the entrance of the Library showing the latest information.
The digital library has 50 systems. It has a collection of about 10,000 E-BOOKS. All institutional repositories like University syllabus, Previous year’s University Question Paper and reports of the workshop / Conferences held in MGM are available.
The E-LEARNING Centre has 30 systems available for the students. LIVE recording of Daily Class Room Lecture is done and available in the E-LEARNING center and the students who have not attended the class on a particular day can make use of this service. This is an additional service to the regular class room teaching and one can use this service at any time, at his /her leisure time. A Student can also send mail to the concerned teacher for doubt / clarification if any.
ILL : (Inter Library Loan) Facility is also available. Articles not available in MGMCRI Library can be arranged from other Libraries on request.
Facilities are available for photocopying  However, the whole book or heavy books are not allowed for photocopying.
The library has brought out the following publications.
- Holdings of the Library.
- Brochure containing information about the Library.
The Library is totally automated. The entire Library Building is WI-FI enabled. THE OPAC (ON-LINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOGUE) helps the readers to find out whether a Book by a given Author or Title is available and how many copies are available and what are the other books written by the same author. A reader can RESERVE THE BOOK “ on-line “ and also find out the status of a book – whether the book is available for issue or already issued.
The entry inside the library is by door swiping of smart card.
The Library Transaction (Issue and Return) is facilitated at separate counters. The borrowed books can be returned at the return counter before entering in to the main library.
The digital library has a collection of about 10,000 E- BOOKS and also the previous years University question Papers and University syllabus and the students can make use of the same. The digital library has 45 Computers.
Separate Reading Room Facilities are available for Faculty members and P.G./ Interns. 40 Systems (20 for faculty and 20 for P.G./Interns) are available in the Second Floor for internet Browsing and other related works.
There is a separate
own book reading section for 250 students.
The library subscribes the following databases
- Proquest (3126 Journals are available on line).
- Scopus
Resource sharing Service is also available and the library is a member of the Delnet (Developing Library Network) and references which are not available are arranged through DELNET and supplied.
SBV has a spacious, exclusive central library located in the main campus. The Central Library in addition to the books and journals also has the following resources:
1.   Own book reading section
2.   Computer Kiosk with internet facilities
3.   Digital Library section
4.   Seminar Hall with a capacity of 110
5.   Separate section for post graduates and current journals
In addition, each constituent college has its own central library and each department has its own departmental library as per regulatory norms.
Details of SBV Central Library Books and Journals is shown in the following table.
Sl.No |
1 |
Total No. of Books |
23,300 |
12,102 |
3628 |
4415 |
43,445 |
2 |
Text Books / Multiple copies |
15344 |
6945 |
2411 |
2403 |
27,103 |
3 |
Reference Books |
4,231 |
2898 |
330 |
747 |
8,206 |
4 |
Single Title |
3,725 |
2259 |
887 |
1265 |
8,136 |
6 |
Total No of Journals |
134 |
113 |
37 |
56 |
340 |
Indian Journals |
71 |
70 |
07 |
41 |
189 |
International Journals |
63 |
43 |
30 |
15 |
151 |
7 |
Total No of E-Â Journals (Accessed Through Proquest) |
3,126 |
3,126 |
87 |
100 |
6,439 |
8 |
Delnet (Developing Library Network) |
130 |
130 |
69 |
88 |
417 |
9 |
E Books |
10,000 (Common to all Faculties ) |
10 |
Dissertation                 (Hard Copy) |
1050 |
72 |
106 |
305 |
1533 |
11 |
Dissertation                 (Soft Copy) |
Nil |
Nil |
106 |
200 |
306 |
12 |
Thesis (Hard Copy ) |
30 |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
30 |
13 |
Thesis (Soft Copy)
MPhil / Ph.D. |
103 |
Nil |
Nil |
Nil |
103 |
14 |
Total No of CDs |
668 |
834 |
349 |
86 |
1937 |
15 |
Back Volumes |
2662 |
867 |
750 |
537 |
4816 |
All departments as per regulatory norms have their own departmental libraries.