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 APPLY FOR 2023 – 2024



 The students have a sense of resposibility towards society. Similarly, as humans we have a sense of responsibility towards our environment and Mother Nature. The Eco-Club is a co-operative effort of the faculty and students, to help take a small step towards the betterment of ourb environment. An wide variety of events and awareness campaigns are carried out throughout the year under the EcoClub. Cleanliness drives, tree plantation campaigns, Go Green rallies, Cycling Competitions to promote the use of clean energy and reduce our carbon footprint, Recycling drives, Collection of waste, Awareness about proper waste disposal and related hazards, promotion of saving water by installing rain water harvesting pits, repairing the leaky faucets, etc are some of the events that have been conducted so far. Treks to various places to experience nature’s touch amidst the hustle and bustle of city lives have also been organised. As a key highlight, the EcoClub boasts active participation of faculty as well as student working together towards a common goal, that is, to help mother nature in every way possible. Before students and doctors, we are human beings, striving to do our best to serve this planet that we live on.


International Youth Day

TREE PLANTING CEREMONY The Eco Club along with the National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute organized a tree

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