
Founding Day Celebrations of CMTER - 2020

05mar2:00 pm2:30 pmFounding Day Celebrations of CMTER - 2020

Event Details

CMTER team cordially invites you all to its  Founding Day Celebrations – 2020 program of “BALA NADA SANGAMAM” to be held on 5-3-2020 from 2.00 pm to 2.30 pm at the Foyer, MGMCRI College Block, Ground Floor.
Around 300 school students of Pondicherry are participating in Bala Nada Sangamam program of SBV, which is a part of “Nadam”, the environmental health initiative organized by  CMTER  in association with IQAC. The children will demonstrate mass singing and chanting. We request your gracious presence for the event to make it a great grand success.


(Thursday) 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm