

IGnite’ 17, our college day function, happened on the evening of 18th March 2017 at SBV ground celebrating its 11th year anniversary. The program commenced around 5pm with an opening musical veenai performance by our Ms. Kaavya N, CRRI. Special dance and skit performance were given by Sathya special school, which set the tone for the evening. The event was hosted by Dr. Anoop Mathew, Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics and Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontics. Mr. Sarvesh Ram, President, student council, welcomed and greeted the chief guest, Mrs. Jeyanthi rajesh, Head, System integration, Deputy project director, ISRO, Prof. K R Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of dentistry, IGIDS, Prof. Saravana Kumar, Vice Principal and Prof. Santha Devi, Vice Principal, IGIDS. Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, delivered the college report of 2016-2017 and the journey of IGIDS. This was followed felicitation of chief guest by Prof. K R Sethuraman. Mrs. Jeyanthi Rajesh, Chief Guest, addressed the gathering by her inspirational speech on space research. The official college magazine “GLAZE’ 17” was released by the chief guest and the editorial team. The champions of Arena’17, Dextrix ’17, Loquentia’17 and Celestial’17, were announced by the respected secretaries and advisors, and the overall championship of cultural were achieved by green house and the overall championship for batch events were achieved by “Octacrownz”. This was followed by speech of our alumni guild Dr. Kishore about his journey in our college, and then the vote of thank were given by Mr. Ashok Kumar, General Secretary, student council. Then the cultural events were started initially with the faculty team’s musical performance, and then our college band “Euphonianz” gave a pleasant light music performance and which was followed by the batch performances by Stylodentz, Dravergonz, Zenforianz, Octacrowns and Legendiers. The evening ended with the dinner and a scintillating open stage dance by IGIDIANS…….