

IGnite’16, our college day function, happened on the eve of 19th March 2016 at the SBV grounds celebrating its 10th anniversary. The program commenced around 5 PM with an opening musical performance by the “Udhavi Karangal” which set the tone for the evening with its genuine spirituality. The event was hosted by Dr. Praveen, Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and Dr. Krithika, Senior Lecture, Department of Pedodontics, IGIDS, SBV.

Mr. John Shibin, President, Student Council, welcomed the gathering and greeted the Chief Guest, Prof.Nagesh, Director of Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Disease Control, Karnataka and Prof. K. S. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, along with Prof. Usha Carounanidy, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, IGIDS and Prof. Saravanan Kumar, Vice Principal, IGIDS to the dais.

All the nine Departments of Dentistry, Achiever undergraduate and post graduate students along with the non-teaching staffs were honored by the chief guest for their dedication towards the IGIDS’s progress. Prof. Usha Carounanidy, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry addressed the gathering about the decennial year celebration and journey of IGIDS throughout the 10 years.

This was followed by the highlight of the celebration “Release of the Decennial Coin” for the alumni students. Dr. Vijay Raja, President, GUILD, Alumni association, shared his memories and journey in this prestigious institute. Later, all the 10 batches were given medicinal plants by the Student Council members. The official college magazine “Glaze’16” was released by the Chief Guest. The champions of the cultural events were announced and trophies were given to the winning houses. IGIDS’s very own musical band “Euphoriannz” gave a pleasant musical performance which was followed by an inspiring message by chief guest Prof. Nagesh. Prof. Sethuraman addressed the gathering and commended the progress of IGIDS. Vote of Thanks was given by Mr. Arul Kumaran, General Secretary, student council. Miss. Karuna Sagari was a special guest to the celebration, who sparked the event with her beautiful style of narration, performed Bharatnatyam dance, which charmed the audience. The evening ended with an after dinner entertainment by the Faculty members. Euphoriannz were the star performers of the evening as they kept entertaining the audience.