
National Nutrition Week

In commemoration of “National Nutrition Week”, the Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry in association with SAF, IGIDS, organized an awareness programme for the nursing staff of IGIDS on 8th October 2021 at the Conference Hall, 7th Floor, IGIDS from 2.00pm-3.00pm. The objectives were to create awareness about nutrition and adaptive eating habits during pregnancy and lactation pertaining to oral health and to create awareness about proper feeding practices to be adopted for infants and children. Following the Principal’s address, the resource persons Dr. Eswari R and Dr. Kavitha M, Senior Lecturers from the Department of Pediatric & Preventive Dentistry delivered their lectures on “Nutrition for Dental Health” & “Proper Feeding Practices” respectively. The programme concluded with the presentation of participation certificates to the participants.