
Pongal Celebrations

Pongal festival celebrations were carried out by the faculty and students of IGIDS on 11th January 2017. The celebration was inaugurated by Prof Carounanidy Usha, Dean Faculty of Dentistry and Vice Principal, IGIDS. The celebrations took place in a traditional manner which included the cooking of sweet pongal accompanied by the recital of slokas by the organizing batch in front of the college. Rangoli competition and food fest were conducted as a part of pongal celebrations. Students of all the batches, PGs and non teaching staff along with faculties participated in the food fest by cooking variety of foods. There were a total of 12 stalls. The arrays of food were delicious and everyone was delighted. In rangoli competition, 1st prize was won by the first year students, 2nd prize by second years and 3rd prize by final year students.