
Nilgiris Oral Health Program (NOHP) 2k17

Team Public Health Dentistry in association with Kathirvel Nagammal Trust, Coonoor and Island trust, Kothagiri organized the NOHP for the 3rd consecutive year. A team of 35 comprised of 6 faculties, 1 post graduate student, 24 CRRI and 4 support staffs conducted the program from 23rd to 26th June 2017 at various places in Nilgiris district.

Day 1 (23.6.17):

NOHP commenced at Community Hall Hulikal Village, Coonoor. The program benefited 144 tribal people with various oral treatments like scaling, restoration and extraction procedures. Oral hygiene instruction was given to Baduga tribal community children of Government School, Panchayat Union Primary and Middle school, Hulikal. Oral Health Quality Of Life Survey was done in Kurumba tribal community at Pambalakombai.

Day 2 (24.6.17):

NOHP was conducted at Kil Kothagiri, Bomman Estate Hospital, Sholurmattam. 150 beneficiaries received various oral health treatment procedures. Simultaneously, Oral Health Quality Of Life Survey was conducted among Irular and Kurumbar tribal community village at Anthiyarai and Kumaramudi.

Day 3 (25.6.17):

NOHP was conducted at Gudalur, Nilgiris. Paniya tribal community benefited from this program. 115 beneficiaries were provided with extraction, restoration and scaling.

Outcome of NOHP 2017: 3rd year, 3 villages, 3 tribal community, 450 beneficiaries, 700+ procedures, 2 School Oral Health Education and Oral Health Quality Of Life Survey at 3 tribal community.