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SCOPE’15 – Apr 2015

Scope15The STUDENT CLINICIAN ORIENTATION PROGRAMME (SCOPE) for supplementary batch 3rd Year students (2015- 2016) was conducted on 8th April 2015 at 10:30 am, at lecture hall, 2nd floor college block MGMCRI. The Chief Guest for the programme was Dr. Manoj Karthik, Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, MGMCRI. The programme began with a prayer song after which Mr.Presanna, President, Student Council IGIDS, welcomed the gathering. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, honoured the chief guest with a bouquet and memento after which she delivered the Principal’s address. This was followed by the oath taking ceremony delivered by Dr. Saravana Kumar. R, Vice principal, IGIDS. This was followed by badging ceremony. Dr. Carounanidy Usha badged the 3rd year representative and simultaneously the other students were badged by the interns. Finally guest lecture was given by Dr. Manoj Karthik about ‘Significance of personal hygiene for student clinicians’. The programme ended with college anthem at 12:00 pm.