Department of Oral Surgery, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences organised “TARGET 2016- 4TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF TN&P AOMSI from 26th to 28th Feb 2016. Around 250 participants from all neighbouring states like KERALA, ANDHRA PRADESH, KARNATAKA, and TAMILNADU actively registered. Scientific session started from 8 a.m. and it went on till Sunday 3 PM. Dr. M.F.BAIG, one of the senior most Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon in INDIA, DR. KANNAN BALARAMAN, a Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons- GLASGOW, presently secretary of AOMSI TN &P chapter, Dr. MOHAN ALEXANDER, an eminent invited guest speaker from MAHSA, UNIVERSITY- MALAYSIA, DR. A.THANGAVELU, President of AOMSI TN &P chapter and Organising Chairman of TARGET- 2016, DR.CAROUNANIDY USHA, Dean Faculty of Dentistry, IGIDS, Dr. R.SATHYANARAYANAN, Prof and Head Dept of OMFS and Organising Secretary of TARGET -2016 graced the occasion.Eminent speakers across country and abroad delivered the lecture and it was beneficial for post graduates as well for young surgeons. Various important topics of public interest like oral cancer, road traffic accident, cleft lip, aesthetic surgeries were also discussed.