
The Academic Enrichment and Research Orientation (AERO)

The Academic Enrichment and Research Orientation (AERO) was conducted by the Dental Education Unit of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences for the First year post graduate students (Batch 2024) of IGIDS from 06.11.2024 – 02.12.2024. The program covered topics on Research Methodology & Bio Statistics (16 topics), Pedagogy & Presentation skills (6 topics), Documentation (2 topics), Attitudinal skills (2 topics), IPR and Genetics to enrich the post graduates knowledge for clinical and research activities during their PG program. On day 1, Dr. Shivasakthy. M, Coordinator of Dental Education Unit introduced the students to the AERO schedule. The resource persons consisted of faculty from dept of Public health dentistry of IGIDS, DEU members of IGIDS, Dr. Ezhumalai.G, SBV & two external speakers from SRMC, Chennai (Dr. K.C. Vignesh & Dr. Ram Sabarish). The sessions included lectures and group activities which were coordinated by Dr. Sanguida. A & Dr. J. John Shibin, Members DEU. The students gave a positive feedback.