
Tobacco Cessation Awareness Program & Oral Health Screening Program for Migrant workers

Tobacco cessation Centre powered by Team Public Health Dentistry and Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology, Department of Oral Pathology and Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, Indira Gandhi institute of dental science, SBV in collaboration with the State Tobacco Control cell, Government of Puducherry, and National Oral Health Program conducted a Tobacco cessation awareness program & Oral health screening program for Migrant workers at Servo Packaging Lid Kattukuppam, Pondicherry on 10th of June, 2024. The Program was initiated with a health education talk by Dr Kavipriya in which she spoke about the ill effects of Tobacco habits, followed by Oath taking on the occasion of World No tobacco day. After which the oral screening was began. A total of over 100 workers were screened and about 10 biopsy were taken. Overall the prevalence of tobacco usage was high among the population and young adults ate found to be exposed to tobacco using habits. We also came across that the workers quiting of jobes if there were strictly advised to stop using tobacco in the Industry which is a serious concern that needs much attention.