
World No Tobacco Day 2021

A virtual program for ”WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY 2021” was organized by Team PHD, IGIDS in association with NSS unit IGIDS and National Tobacco control program, Pondicherry state health mission to create awareness about the ill effects of tobacco for the NSS volunteers of Pondicherry. The program was conducted on Google meet online platform. Students from various colleges registered for the program. Totally 428 participants registered for the program and about 80 participants actively involved in the program. The program went on for two hours wherein Dr. Sivasankari spoke about the ill effects of tobacco, Dr. Priyadharshini spoke about the relationship between COVID19 and smoking,Dr.Vidhya spoke about the various laws related to tobacco usage and Dr.Priyanga.C spoke about Tobacco cessation methods, they also made it an interactive session by adding some videos along with their awareness talk. Overall it was an informative and awakening session. The session concluded with the WHO theme for World no tobacco day “COMMIT TO QUIT”.