The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery of INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES has come a long way since it was started, presently one of the premier departments of the college. It provides the highest standard of surgical care for plethora of diseases ranging from benign and malignant tumors of Head & Neck soft and hard tissue trauma, dentofacial and cleft, basic oral deformities, surgical procedures including wisdom tooth removal.
Our department provides highest quality care covering all aspects of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery.
Our Team Has Specialized Knowledge & experience in managing complex Maxillofacial trauma including frontal bone fracture and Complex Pan Facial fracture
Our department’s Goal is to improve the quality of life in Pondicherry through education, research, and service related to oral and maxillofacial surgery, with special emphasis on improving dental, oral and craniofacial health through comprehensive education, research, and service programs.
The objectives of our department are To train the undergraduate to
- Recognize & diagnose Head and Neck Pathology.
- Manage Medical complications in Dental Surgery & also treat medically compromised patients.
- Perform Dental extractions and minor oral surgical procedures.
- Basics of inpatient management.
To prepare clinically superior postgraduates who possess the additional knowledge and ability to pursue a career in any aspect of oral surgery, be it clinical, teaching, or research-oriented. This program offers comprehensive clinical training, covering the full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
To offer the full spectrum of state of the art treatments to all patients at an affordable cost.