- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Devy A Santha, Saravanakumar R. The clinical dental undergraduate’s perception of stress origin in India: A cross-sectional study. J Nat ScBiol Med 2018;9: 197-200.
- Sethuraman KR. Strengthening the sense of coherence in patients with chronic medical conditions to promote wellness: a clinicians perspective based on case vignettes collected over three decades. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science, 2018; 2(1):31-33.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Council or Commission: Are we between Scylla and Charybdis? SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science, 2018; 2(1):1-3.
- Adkoli BV. The role of feedback and reflection in medical education. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science, 2018; 2(1):34-40
- Singh, CS, Adkoli, BV, Sethuraman KR, Ezhumalai, G. Assessing the Effectiveness of Innovative Teaching in Radiology for Undergraduates using Focus Group Discussion, International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology, and Surgery. 2018; 7(2): RO24-RO29
- Manoharan PS Sethuraman KR, Narayan KA, Adkoli BV Feasibility of a Design of an Objective Framework for Internal Assessment of Post Graduates in Prosthodontics SBV Journal of Basic Clinical and Applied Health Science 2018 (2), 28-35
- Adkoli B.V, Pawar S.J. Conflict Management Strategies – Implications for Health Professions Education JBCAHS 2018;2(3):132-138
- Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Learner reactions and responses to individualized coaching on communication skills for treating completely edentulous patients. JBCAHS 2018;2(3):123-131
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Carounanidy Usha. Predictive utility of performance in the first periodic assessment in the identification of Students Needing Additional Curricular Support (SNACS) in BDS – A retrospective study. National Medical Journal of India
(under print) - Ananthakrishnan, N. Competency-based undergraduate curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, the new MCI curricular document: Positives and areas of concern JBCAHS 2018;2(4):184-92
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman K.R., Usha C. Value the Formative Assessment, for it Values the Student Outcome – A Historic Cohort Study of Dental Undergraduate Students in India. International Journal of Learning and Teaching 2018;4(2):124-27.
- Usha C, Sethuraman KR, Ananth Krishnan N, Narayan, KA. Multisource feedback in dental postgraduation: qualitative research. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 2017, 5(1), 10-17.
- Adkoli B.V. Educational Research in Health Sciences (Editorial) Journal of Educational Technology in Health Sciences. 2017;4(2):38-41
- Adithan C, Adkoli BV. Enrichment of MBBS Curriculum with Research Component: Road to Professional Achievements. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):21-23.
- Ananthakrishnan N., Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan R, Pulimoottil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR. SBV Model of Competency Based Learning and Training (COBALT) For Post Graduate Education. Annals of SBV, 2017;6(1):5-9.
- Adkoli BV. Changing Trends in Health Professions Education: the need to strike the right balance! Editorial. Annals of SBV 2017;6 (1):4
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR. Students Needing Additional Curricular Support and Psychological Support (SNACS, SNAPS) – A perspective shift. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):44-47.
- Singh S. Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR, Ezhumalai G. Students’ perception of problem-solving exercise in radiology education for undergraduates. EPJMR 2017;4(02):631-38.
- Murthy V, Rajaram S, Choudhury S, SethuramanK.R.Are we Training Enough of Communication Skills and Patient Psychology Required in Dental Practice.Jrnl of Clin and Diag Res 2017 Apr, Vol-11(4): ZE01-ZE04.
- Singh CS, Adkoli BV, Ezhumalai G, Sethuraman KR. Status of radiology teaching at the undergraduate level. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):41-43.
- Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R (2017) Relevant Communication Skills for Pregnant Women – A Dental Perspective. IntJPregn& Chi Birth 2(3):00022. DOI:10.15406/ipcb.2017.02.00022
- Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Communication skills teaching-learning in prosthodontics. Journal of Basic, clinical & Applied Health Sciences 2017:1(1); 38- 41.
- Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Developing prosthodontic Residents communication strategies with the edentulous patient: A pilot study. Journal of Dental education; 81(11);1351-61.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Saravanakumar R, Santha Devi A. Stress perception of second-year dental undergraduate students- Across-sectional study. Journal of Basic, clinical & Applied Health Sciences 2017:1(1);32-7.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Santha Devi A, Saravanakumar R. Dental Education Upgrade – Mapping of the new path in the current Indian context. Annals of SBV 2017;6(2):10-13.
- Manoharan PS, Sethuraman KR, Adkoli BV, Kumar R.S. Speaking the same language in health professions education. J Devlin Res Insights. 2017; 4, 181-186
- Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R Students perceptions of gaps in the teaching of communication skills and behavioral sciences in undergraduate dental education. Nat Med Jrnl 2017;30(6):363-364
- Ananthakrishnan N. Residents working hours and patient safety: have we finally laid the issue to rest! National Medical Journal of India 2016;29:23-5.
- Ananthakrishnan N.Competency based postgraduate medical education. Proceedings of the National Conference on Health Profession Education, Pondicherry, August 2016.
- Ananthakrishnan N.Workplace based assessment – is it feasible in India?Proceedings of Medical, 2016, NTTC. JIPMER, Pondicherry.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Narayan KA. The proposal of a BDS syllabus framework to suit a choice-based credit system (CBCS). J ClinDiagn Res 2016;10(8): JC01–JC05.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Adkoli BV. Acceptability and feasibility of a choice based credit system in BDS syllabus. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 2016;4(6):73-80.
- Murthy V, Choudhury S, Shakila R, Sethuraman KR. Role of motivational interviewing in patient-centered care in dentistry. IERJ 2016;2:40-41.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, CarounanidyUsha. Learn slow, achieve low, students needing additional curricular support and psychological support (SNACS, SNAPS). International Education & Research Journal 2016;2(9);9-10.
- Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R.Interdisciplinary Approach in Management of Edentulousness in Menopausal Women-A Narrative Review. ObstetGynecolInt J 2016;5(6): 00183. DOI: 10.15406/ogij.2016.05.00183
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, CarounanidyUsha. Quality improvement and future directions of dental education. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2016;6(1);1-5.
- Murugaiyan S, Ramasamy R, R SA, R R, Gandhi MB, Gopal N, S AVV. Self-Directed Learning Module in Biochemistry: A Teaching – Learning Study Conducted on Graduate South Indian Medical Students. International Journal of Health Sciences Research. 2016;6(5):125-132.
- Zachariah bobby, H. Nandeesha, M.G. Sridhar, R. Soundravally, Sajitasetiya, M Satish Babu, G. Niranjan. Identification of mistakes and their correction by small group discussion as a revision exercise at the end of a teaching module in biochemistry. The National Medical Journal of India. 2014;27(1):22-23.
- Ramesh Ramasamy, SathishBabuMurugaiyan, Rachel Shalini, KuzhandaiVelu, Vengadapathy, NiranjanGopal. “Communication skills in medical education- An Overview”. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education. 2014;2(2):134-140.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Recent Advances in Medical Postgraduate Evaluation. Proceedings of the “Recent Advances in Health Professional Education” a quality initiative in Medical Education, Pondicherry. 2013;53-60.
- Ananthakrishnan N. What ails postgraduate medical education in India? Editorial, Annals of SBV2013;2(1).
- Ananthakrishnan N. Recent Advances in Medical Postgraduate Evaluation. Annals of SBV2013;2(1):41-47.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Saying no to NEET is certainly not neat. (letter). National Medical Journal of India 2013:26;250-1.
- Ramesh Ramasamy, NiranjanGopal, Srinivasan AR, SathishBabuMurugaiyan. Planning an Objective and Need-Based Curriculum: The Logistics with Reference to the Undergraduate Medical Education in Biochemistry. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2013;7(3):589 – 594.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Evaluating Evidence for Practice. Conference Proceedings, EBM Praxis 2012, MGMCRI, April 2012.
- Sood R, Ananthakrishnan N. Reforming medical curriculum in India in recent years: Conflicts of political, regulator, Educationists and Professional natures and strategies for their resolution. International Journal of user-driven health care, 2012;2:1-13.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Competency-based postgraduate Training-Part I. Medi-Ed, Quarterly Journal of the Smt. PallamreddiSitamma Memorial Medical Education cell, Andhra Medical College, Vizag. 2012;14:2-4
- Ananthakrishnan N. Competency-based postgraduate Training-Part II. Medi-Ed, Quarterly Journal of the Smt. PallamreddiSitamma Memorial Medical Education cell, Andhra Medical College, Vizag. 2012;14:2-4.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Arora NK, Chandy G, Geetanjali B, Sood R, Super A, Nagarajan S. Is there a need for a transformational change to overcome the current problems with postgraduate medical education in India. National Medical Journal of India, 2012;25:101-108.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Shanthi AK. ICMR’s Ethical guidelines for biomedical research on human participants: the need for clarification. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics 2012;9:207-209.
- Sood R, Ananthakrishnan N. Curricular battles: is it possible to win the war even if a few battles are lost. (invited commentary). International Journal of user-driven health care 2012;2:82-5.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Changing trends in modern postgraduate assessment. Guest Editorial, Journal of Scientific Dentistry (E ISSN No: 2278-3865, 2012;2:1-2.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Medical research output in India: where are we? (letter) National Medical Journal of India 2011;24:189.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Trends in postgraduate medical education – is there a need for a directional change? Proceedings, Medical 2011, JIPMER, Pondicherry 2011;2-13.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Distribution of postgraduate medical seats in different disciplines: Is there rationality in decision-making? National Medical Journal of India, 2011;24:365-367.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Medical education in India: Is it still possible to reverse the downhill trend? Natl Med J India 2010;23:156–60
- Ananthakrishnan N. Proposed bachelor’s degree in rural health care: An unmixed blessing for the rural population or for the graduate or neither? Natl Med J India2010;23:250–1.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Research, why, how to plan, initiate and organize. Proceedings of the National Conference on “Innovations in Nursing Research – Building optimism, April 15th, and 16th, MGMC&RI, Pondicherry.
Books Published
Chapters Published in Books
Monographs Published
Manuals for Ministry of Health, Govt. of India
Articles Published
Books Published
- Competency Based Training Manual for In-Service Medical Laboratory Technologists in Primary Health Care Settings: A Participant Guide. New Delhi: Health Systems Transformation Platform, ISBN 978-81-949194-3-8.
- Competency Based Training Manual for In-Service Pharmacists in Primary Health Care Setting: A Participant Guide. Health Systems Transformation Platform, ISBN 9788194919490.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach – Edition 2. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi, 2021.
- Parija SC, Adkoli BV. Effective Medical Communication: A, B, C, D, E of it. Parija SC. & Adkoli BV, Eds, Springer Singapore, 2020
- K.R.Sethuraman. Communication Skill in Clinical Practice-II Edition-2017.New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers, ISBN: 978-93-5152-411-3.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi, 2013;1-214.
Chapters Published in Books
- Medical Education in Current Medical Curriculum: A Community Based Approach, Current Progress in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 4, ISBN: 978-81-19315-85-7.
- V. Pragadeesh Raja, M. Shivasakthy, and Dharani Lenin. Medical Education in Current Medical Curriculum: A Community Based Approach. Chapter 2: Current Progress in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 4; Print ISBN: 978-81-19315-85-7, eBook ISBN: 978-81-19315-83-3; (B P International publisher).DOI: 10.9734/bpi/cpmmr/v4/5642B.
- Nirmala Anand, Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Saloni Manglik, Rajesh Shenoy. Incorporation of peer-assisted learning strategies along with reverse mentorship for improvement in scholastic performance. Volume 3 Book 13 Chapter: 16 Futuristic Trends in Medical Sciences Publisher: IIP series May 2024 DOI: 10.58532/V3BDMS13P1CH16.
- Nirmala Anand, Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Saloni Manglik, Rajesh Shenoy. Entry level behaviors of low academic achievers for remedial program. Volume 3, Book 12, Part 1, Chapter 19.
- Adkoli B.V. Assessment of professionalism and ethics. In : Tejinder Singh, Anshu (eds). Principles of Assessment in Medical Education 3rd edition, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2022; 165-177
- Adkoli B.V., Deepak K.K., Narayan KA. ‘Question Paper Designing’. In : Tejinder Singh, Anshu (eds). Principles of Assessment in Medical Education 2nd edition 2022. New Delhi:Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2022; 65-79
- Ananthakrishnan N. Communication training for obtaining informed consent for medical research. In, Parija C and Adkoli BV, Eds, Effective Medical Communication, Springer Verlag, Singapore, 2020; 63-76.
- Parija SC., Adkoli BV. Effective Medical Communication: A, B, C, D, E of it Parija SC. & Adkoli BV, Eds, Springer Singapore, 2020
- Parija SC., Adkoli BV. Role of Mentoring in Developing Communication Skills: A, B, C, D, E of it Parija SC. & Adkoli BV, Eds, Springer Singapore, 2020
- Parija SC., Adkoli BV. Feedback – How to Give and Take? : A, B, C, D, E of it Parija SC. & Adkoli BV, Eds, Springer Singapore, 2020
- Parija SC., Adkoli BV. Language Skills in Research Paper Writing: A, B, C, D, E of it Parija SC. & Adkoli BV, Eds, Springer Singapore, 2020
- Parija SC., Adkoli BV. Communication Skills for Organizing Workshops: A, B, C, D, E of it Parija SC. & Adkoli BV, Eds, Springer Singapore, 2020
- Parija SC., Adkoli BV. Conflict Management and Communication: A, B, C, D, E of it Parija SC. & Adkoli BV, Eds, Springer Singapore, 2020
- Ramesh R, Ananthakrishnan N. “Results” In, “Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper” Parija SC, Kate V, Eds, Springer, Singapore, 2017;61-74.
- Adkoli B.V. Assessment of professionalism and ethics. In: Tejinder Singh, Anshu (eds). Principles of Assessment in Medical Education 2nd edition 2017 New Delhi Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
- Adkoli B.V. Deepak K.K., Narayan KA. ‘Question Paper Designing’. In:Tejinder Singh, Anshu (eds). Principles of Assessment in Medical Education 2nd edition 2017 New Delhi Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.
- Sethuraman, KR. Objective Structured Clinical Examination, (pp 330-8) in PS Bhuiyan, NN Rege, A Supe. The Art of Teaching Medical Students. 2015. Elsevier, India (ISBN – 978-81-312-3981-0)
- Adkoli BV, Adkoli BV, Mehta M., Nayar U. Attitudes, Values and Professionalism. In: Bhuiyan PS, Rege N., Supe AN. (eds). The Art of Teaching Medical Students (3rd) New Delhi; Elsevier, 2015: 203-17
- Adkoli B.V. Quality Assurance in Medical Education: The Need of the Hour. In: Bhuiyan PS., Rege NN, Supe A. (eds.) The Art of Teaching Medical Students 3rd ed. New Delhi: Elsevier 2015 Pp 467-80
Monographs Published
- Prateek Bhobate, Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Saurabh Shrivastava. Community-based education in making of holistic primary care physician. Lambert Academic Publishing 2022. ISBN: 978-620-0-56380-4.
- Saurabh Shrivastava, Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Prateek Shrivastava. Scope of qualitative research in medical education and public health. Lambert Academic Publishing 2021. ISBN: 978-620-3-86155-6.
- Prateek Bhobate, Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Saurabh Shrivastava. Research in Undergraduate Medical Curriculum: Need of the hour. Lambert Academic Publishing 2021. ISBN: 978-620-2-56358-1.
- Saurabh Shrivastava, Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Prateek Shrivastava. Assessment in Competency Based Medical Education for undergraduates. Lambert Academic Publishing 2020. ISBN: 978-620-3-02829-4.
Manuals for Ministry of Health, Govt. of India NHSRC, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan with other members of the NHSRC committee. Training Manual on Palliative Care for Medical Officer at Ayushman Bharat – Health and Wellness Centres
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan with other members of the NHSRC committee. Training manual on Palliative Care for staff nurse at Ayushman Bharat – Health and Wellness Centres
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan with other members of the NHSRC committee. Training manual on Palliative Care for Multipurpose worker at Ayushman Bharat – Health and Wellness Centres
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan with other members of the NHSRC committee. Training manual on Palliative Care for Community Health Officer at Ayushman Bharat – Health and Wellness Centres
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan with other members of the NHSRC committee. Training manual on Palliative Care for ASHA at Ayushman Bharat – Health and Wellness Centres
Articles Published
- Manivasakan S. National Education Policy 2020 and its influence on the Health Professions Education. University News 2023;61(50):03-06.
- Manivasakan S. The conglomeration of NEP, UGC, and accreditation guidelines – The way ahead. J Educ Technol Health Sci 2023;10(2):47-52.
- Ananthakrishnan N. National Educational Policy, 2020 – Issues and challenges for HEIs in Health Profession and some suggested solutions. Proceedings of the “National conference on NEP 2020: Role of the Private Sector in Effective Implementation”. Pune, March 28th, 2022
- Manivasakan S, Parija SC. Education 4.0 in Higher Education Institutions: The Need. J Sci Dent 2022;12(1):1–2.
- Kakodkar PV, Manivasakan S. National Education Policy 2020 compliant multidisciplinary education and research universities for dental education in India – A road map. J Med Evid 2022;3:60-3.
- Raja VP, Shivasakthy M, Lavakumar S. Community based medical education in medical curriculum. Int J Community Med Public Health 2022;9:4762-4.
- Manivasakan S, Parija SC. Education 4.0 in Higher Education Institutions: The Need. J Sci Dent 2022;12(1):1–2.
- Shrivastava S, Manivasakan S, Shrivastava P S, Somu L. Perception of Faculty toward Challenges in Teaching and the Role of Medical Education Workshops in Addressing Them: A Mixed-Methods Study. Avicenna J Med 2022;12:21–30.
- Rajkumar, M, Sivaprakash B, Karthick S, Sundar S, Adkoli B V. Music Listening Intervention on Craving and Withdrawal Symptoms in Patients with Alcohol Dependence: A Randomized Controlled Trial. 20(05), 2021, pp. 10-12
- Rajkumar, M, Sivaprakash B, Karthick S, Sundar S, Adkoli B V. Effect of Adjunctive Music Listening Intervention on Craving and Withdrawal Symptoms in Patients With Alcohol Dependence: A Pilot Study. 20(05), 2021, pp. 13-16
- Adkoli BV. Should philosophy find a place in research in health sciences?. J Community Health Manag 2021;8(3):100-101
- Ananthakrishnan N, Sethuraman KR, Ravishankar M, Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan P. Competency based learning and training for medical postgraduates within regulatory guidelines: the SBV Competency-Based Learning and Training Model. National Medical Journal of India January 2, 2021,IP:125.17.188-202.
- Manivasakan S, Ananthakrishnan N. Dental Profession at the Crossroads: The Indian Scenario. J Sci Den 2021;11(2):76-77
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan. National Education Policy 2020 – A Viewpoint with Respect to Higher Education. IJARESM 2021;9(5):964-67.
- Pragadeesh Raja, M. Shivasakthy, Lavakumar. Challenges faced by Final year Medical Postgraduate students during Pandemic COVID 19. 2021/AJESS/69791
- Shivasakthy M. Invited Article on: Online student assessment strategies – The Change management at SBV. KLE Edu Cause, KAHER 2021; 7:7-8.
- Shigli K, Nayak SS, Nayak PP, Basavaraj A, Shivasakthy M. Innovative solutions to reform geriatric oral health in India: Alliance for healthy aging. Indian J Comm Health. 2021; 33(1):222-225.
- Kamal Shigli, Sushma Nayak, Shimpa Sharma, Veena Nayak, Prajna Pramod Nayak, Pradeep Kulkarni, Shivasakthy Manivasakan. Interprofessional education – a case for Gerodontology training. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education 2021; 42(2):151-65. PMID: 33161893
- Narayan, K. A. Durga Prasad Nayak, M. Siva. Need for Interactive Data Visualization in Public Health Practice: Examples from India. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2021,12:16. DOI:10.4103/ijpvm.IJPVM_171_20, mar. 2021. ISSN 2008-8213.
- Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Application of Practice Oriented- Peer Review for Prosthodontics (PRO-PReP)-A Qualitative Study. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2021 Jan 20:91217421990142. PMID: 33472469.
- Murthy V, Sethuraman K R, Rajaram S, Choudhury S. Predicting denture satisfaction and quality of life in completely edentulous: A mixed-mode study. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2021;21:88-98. Available from: https://www.j-
- Adkoli BV. Tips for Overcoming the Publication Challenges Faced by Young Researchers. Ann SBV 2020; XX(X):1–2.
- Adkoli BV. : Much Unexplored Pathway to Career Enhancement of Teachers in Health Sciences. Ann SBV 2020; 9(1):2–6.
- Parija SC, Adkoli BV. The Contours of Medical Professionalism. J Basic Clin Appl Health Sci 2020; https://www.jbcahs. org/doi/JBCAHS/pdf/10.5005/jp-journals-10082-02231.
- Adkoli BV, Parija SC. Development of Medical Professionalism: Curriculum Matters. J Basic Clin Appl Health Sci 2020; 02243.
- Parija SC, Adkoli BV. Medical Professionalism: during COVID-19 Times and Beyond. J Basic Clin Appl Health Sci 2020;3(3):93–95.
- Parija S.C., Adkoli B.V. A Sustainable Model of Faculty Development Programs for Health Sciences Universities in India, UNIVERSITY NEWS, 58(25) June 22-28, 2020 : 8-12
- Adkoli B.V. Humanities in Medical Education – A Book Review Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics Vol. 10, No. 3, November, 2020, pp-163-164
- Adkoli BV. Post-COVID Mantra for Health Profession: Combine “High Tech” with “High Touch” 2020;9(2):34–35
- Kate V, Kalyarasan R, Subair M, Ananthakrishnan N. How to write and publish a research paper. In, Haribhakthi s, Ed, Surgical Gastroenterology, 3rd Edition, Paras Medical Publisher, Hyderabad, 2020, 1880-9.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Promoting research for undergraduates of Medicine in India – A critical necessity. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research, [Downloaded from,, August 19, 2020, IP:]
- Ananthakrishnan N. Training the IMG to be a clinician: The pedagogic challenge to curriculum formulators. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2020; 6(3):90-92.
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Pradeep Thangamuthu, Sethuraman K Raman, Kanchana Manivasakan. Mobile Application for teaching and assessing Students Needing Additional Curricular Support (SNACS) in Dental Education. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 2020; 24(8):5397-5405
- Nayak, M Siva Durga Prasad; Narayan, KA; :Selection of Urban Health Equity Assessment and Response Tool indicators using item response theory analysis to assess a city health profile in India:Indian Journal of Community and Family Medicine. 2020 6(1):47-55.
- Narayan KA, M Siva Durga Prasad Nayak. Community Based SelfAdministered Syndromic Surveillance Mobile Application – A Strategic Approach to Monitor COVID Situation at Micro Level. Natl J Community Med 2020;11(8):395-401.
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Pradeep Thangamuthu, Sethuraman K Raman, Kanchana Manivasakan. Mobile Application for teaching and assessing Students Needing Additional Curricular Support (SNACS) in Dental Education. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 2020; 24(8): 5397-5405. DOI: Available from:
- Adkoli B.V. Assessment of professionalism and ethics. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences, January-April, 2019;6(1):2-9 https://10.18231/j.jeths.2019.002
- Adkoli B V, Parija S C. Systems approach in medical education: The thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Trop Parasitol 2019;9:3-6
- Tamijeselvan S., Adkoli B.V., Ravichandran V. Effects of using power point method for teaching radiography students. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 2019; 6:847-53
- Tamijeselvan S, Adkoli BV, Ravichandran V. A Scoping Review on Dental Students’ Knowledge and Awareness on Radiation Protection. Ann SBV 2019; 8(2):26–29.
- Adkoli BV, Parija SC. Applying systems approach for bridging education, research, and patient care in a health sciences university Tropical Parasitology 2019; 9(2):77-82
- Adkoli B.V. Faculty Development in Health Professions Education: A Review. Sri Ramachandra Journal of Health Sciences, 2019; 1 (1):1-7
- Ananthakrishnan N. Sethuraman KR, Ramivhankar M, Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan P. Competency based learning and training for medical postgraduates within regulatory guidelines in India – The SBV Competency based learning and training model © National Medical Journal of India, 2019, 32;365-8.
- Ananthakrishnan N Perception and assessment of scholarship in health science institutions in India – gap between the existing and the desirable. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Sciences, 2019; 2:32-37.
- Jannani M, Muthandam S, Sethuraman KR, Narayan KA, Ananthakrishnan N, Adkoli BV. Assessment of self-perception of Competencies among a group of Dental Interns in Pondicherry, India. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 2019, 42, 1-8. (DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_53_19.)
- Ananthakrishnan N. Appraisal of Schoalrly Activities of Medical Faculty for Career Advancement and Recognition: A suggested Scheme in the Indian Context. Journal of Basic Clinical and Applied Health Sciences 2019.
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan, K Raman Sethuraman, Arumugam Santhadevy, Ravindran Saravanakumar. Strategic Method to Identify Students Needing Additional Curricular Support: Empirical Evidence across Courses in Health Professions Education in a Private Health Sciences University. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science 2019;2(2):69-72
- Nayak, MSDP; Narayan, KA; :Strengths and weakness of online surveys:IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2019 24(5):31-38.
- Muthu, Jananni; Muthanandam, Sivaramakrishnan; Sethuraman, KR; Narayan, KA; Ananthakrishnan, N; Adkoli, BV; :Assessment of self perception of competencies among a group of dental interns in Pondicherry, India:Journal of education and health promotion. J Educ Health Promot. 2019 Dec 31;8:255.
- Muthu, Jananni et al. “Assessment of Self Perception of Competencies among a Group of Dental interns in Pondicherry, India.” Journal of education and health promotion vol. 8 255. 31 Dec. 2019, DOI: PMID: 32002427 PMCID: PMC6967155
- Ananthakrishnan N, Sethuraman KR, Ravishankar M, Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan P. Competency-based learning and training for medical postgraduates within regulatory guidelines in India: The SBV Competency-Based Learning and Training Model©. Natl Med J India. 2019 Nov-Dec;32(6):365-368. doi: 258X.303629 PMID: 33380635.
- Singh CS, Sethuraman KR, Ehzumalai G, Adkoli BV. Effectiveness of problem-solving exercises in radiology education for undergraduates. Natl Med J India. 2019 Mar- Apr;32(2):103-106. doi: PMID: 31939409.
- Adkoli BV. The role of feedback and reflection in medical education. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science, 2018; 2(1):34-40
- Singh, CS, Adkoli, BV, Sethuraman,KR, Ezhumalai, G. Assessing the Effectiveness of Innovative Teaching in Radiology for Undergraduates using Focus Group Discussion, International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2018; 7(2):RO24-RO29
- Manoharan PS Sethuraman KR, Narayan KA, Adkoli BV Feasibility of a Design of an Objective Framework for Internal Assessment of Post Graduates in Prosthodontics. SBV Journal of Basic Clinical and Applied Health Science 2018 (2), 28-35
- Adkoli B.V., Pawar S.J. Conflict Management Strategies – Implications for Health Professions Education JBCAHS 2018;2(3):132-138
- Ananthakrishnan N Council or Commission: Are we between Scylla and Charybdis? Editorial, SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science 2018;2:1-3.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Training the IMG to be a clinician The pedagogic challenge to curriculum formulators. Reflections – Bulletin of the medical Education Unit, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences, 2018,18,12-15.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Competency based undergraduate curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, the new MCI curricular document: Positives and areas of concern. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Sciences, 2,184-192, 2018.
- Ananthakrishnan N. National Institutional Ranking Framework criteria are against the interests of Health Science Institutions. National Medical Journal of India, 2018, 31, 379-80
- Ananthakrishnan N. Can one be so wrong about NEET? National Medical Journal of India, 2018, 31, 254.
- Manivasakan Shivasakthy. Predictive utility of performance of students of dentistry in the first periodic assessment. NMJI 2018;31(1):32-34.
- Manivasakan Shivasakthy, Raman Sethuraman K, Devy A Santha, Saravanakumar R. The clinical dental undergraduate’s perception of stress origin in India: A cross-sectional study. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2018;9:197-200
- Manivasakan Shivasakthy, K.R. Sethuraman, Carounanidy Usha. Value the Formative Assessment, for it Values the Student Outcome – A Historic Cohort Study of Dental Undergraduate Students in India. International Journal of Learning and Teaching 2018;4(2):124-27.
- Adkoli B.V. Educational Research in Health Sciences (Editorial) Journal of Educational Technology in Health Sciences. 2017;4(2):38-41
- Adithan C, Adkoli BV. Enrichment of MBBS Curriculum with Research Component: Road to Professional Achievements. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):21-23.
- Ananthakrishnan N., Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan R, Pulimoottil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR. SBV Model of Competency Based Learning and Training (COBALT) For Post Graduate Education. Annals of SBV, 2017;6(1):5-9.
- Adkoli BV. Changing Trends in Health Professions Education: the need to strike a right balance! Editorial. Annals of SBV 2017;6 (1):4
- Singh S. Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR, Ezhumalai G. Students’ perception of problem solving exercise in radiology education for undergraduates. EPJMR 2017; 4(02):631-38.
- Singh CS, Adkoli BV, Ezhumalai G, Sethuraman KR. Status of radiology teaching at undergraduate level. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):41-43.
- Manoharan PS, Sethuraman KR, Adkoli BV, Kumar R.S. Speaking the same language in health professions education. J Adv Clin Res Insights. 2017; 4, 181-186
- Usha C, Sethuraman KR, Ananthakrishnan N, Narayan, KA. Multisource feedback in dental postgraduation: a qualitative research. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 2017, 5(1), 10-17.
- Ramesh R, Ananthakrishnan N. Results In, “Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper” Parija SC, Kate V, Eds, Springer, Singapore, 2017, 61-74.
- Ananthakrishnan N,Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan R, Pulimoottil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR. SBV model of Competency based learning and training (COBALT) for Postgraduate Education. Annals of SBV, 2017, 6, 5-9.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Santha Devy A, Saravanakumar R. Dental Education Upgrade – Mapping of the new path in current Indian context. Annals of SBV 2017;6(2):10-13.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Saravanakumar R, Santha Devy A. Stress Perception of Second-year Dental Undergraduate Students – A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Basic Clinical and Applied Health Sciences 2017;1(1):32-37
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR. Students Needing Additional Curricular Support and Psychological Support (SNACS, SNAPS) – A perspective shift. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):44-47.
- Rajesh, P.K., Sengodan, B., Singh, A., Sehgal, S., Suvindran, Daniel, J., Arulkumaran, Zie, O.Y., Patel, R., Kaur, M., Leng, L.A., Bhattacharya, N., Selvakumar, D., Ong, K.K. and Narayan, K.A. Challenges and Opportunities Offered by PBL: Students’ and Facilitators’ Perspectives. South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education, 2017; 11(1):62–65.
- Usha Carounanidy, Sethuraman KR, Ananthakrishnan Nilakantan, Narayan KA. Multisource feedback in dental postgraduation: A qualitative research. J Contemp Med Edu. 2017; 5(1): 10-17. (DOI:
- M Shivasakthy, KR Sethuraman, C Usha. Quality improvement and Future directions of Dental education. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 6 (1), 1-2
- S Manivasakan, KR Sethuraman, BV Adkoli. Acceptability and feasibility of Choice based credit system in BDS Syllabus. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 4 (7), 73-80
- Varsha Murthy, Shakila Rajaram, Sunayana Choudhury, KR Sethuraman. Are we Training Enough of Communication Skills and Patient Psychology Required in Dental Practice. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research, 2017; 11.4: ZE01
- Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Students’ perceptions of gaps in teaching communication skills and behavioural sciences in undergraduate dental education. Natl Med J India. 2017 Nov-Dec;30(6):363-364. doi:
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Adkoli BV. Acceptability and feasibility of choice based credit system in BDS syllabus. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 2016;4(6):73-80.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Residents working hours and patient safety: have we finally laid the issue to rest! National Medical Journalof India, 29, 23-5, 2016.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Competency based postgraduate medical education. Proceedings of the National Conference on Health Profession Education, Pondicherry, August, 2016.
- Ananthakrishnan N. Workplace based assessment – is it feasible in India? Proceedings of Meducon, 2016, NTTC. JIPMER, Pondicherry.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Carounanidy Usha. Quality improvement and future directions of dental education. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2016;6(1);1-5.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Carounanidy Usha. Learn slow, achieve low, students needing additional curricular support and psychological support (SNACS, SNAPS). International Education & Research Journal 2016;2(9);9-10.
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan, KR Sethuraman, KA Narayan. The Proposal of a BDS Syllabus Framework to Suit Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). Journal of clinical and diagnostic research, 2016;10 (8): 1-5
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan, KR Sethuraman, Carounanidy Usha. learn Slow, Achieve Low-Students Needing Additional Curricular Support and Psychological Support (SNACS, SNAPS). International Education and Research Journal, 2016;2: 9-10.
- Varsha Murthy, Sunayana Choudhury, R Shakila, KR Sethuraman. Role Of Motivational Interviewing In Patient Centered Care In Dentistry. International Education and Research Journal, 2016;2.10:40-41 .
- Adkoli B.V. Teaching professional values in medical education. Natl Med J India.2015; 28(4):194-7.
- Nandi P, Bharati DR, Narayan KA, Yamuna TV, Lokeshmaran A, Pal R.“Value of Objective Structured Clinical Examination in the Formative Assessment of Clinical Posting in Community Medicine Graduate Training Programme”. National Journal of Community Medicine 2015; 6(1):50-4.
- Chandrika G Teli, Chandrakala B S, Vandana Daulatabad, Nilesh N Kate article submitted to National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology in the topic Assessment of learning style perferences in undergraduate medical students using VARK scale study (2021 | Vol 11 | Issue 12 (Online First))
- Dr. S. Vijayalakshmi, FHPE Scholar, presented a paper titled “Students as Patients: Effectiveness of Peer Simulation over traditional clinical teaching- A pragmatic comparative study.” Organized by iCON 2021 – National Conference on Innovations in Health Professions’ Education conducted by Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital on 17& 18 November 2021
- Dr. Nalini Y.C, PhD Scholar, presented a paper titled “Low-cost low fidelity dynamic model to teach lung compliance, and work of breathing to first year medical students” Organized by iCON 2021 – National Conference on Innovations in Health Professions’ Education conducted by Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital on 17& 18 November 2021
- Dr. Nalini Y.C, PhD Scholar, Presented a paper Presentation on the topic “a working model approach to teach lung compliance and work of breathing physiology to medical students” in Simulcon India, 3rd National Health Care Simulation Conference in its virtual edition held from 3rd to 5th December 2021
Dr B.V. Adkoli, Director
Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Professor of Eminence
Prof. M. Shivasakthy, Deputy Director
Dr B.V. Adkoli, Director
- Adkoli B.V. Teaching professional values in medical education. Natl Med J India.2015; 28(4):194-7.
- Shivasakthy M,Sethuraman KR, Adkoli BV. Acceptability and feasibility of choice based credit system in BDS syllabus. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 2016;4(6):73-80.
- Adkoli B.V. Educational Research in Health Sciences (Editorial) Journal of Educational Technology in Health Sciences. 2017;4(2):38-41
- Adithan C, Adkoli BV. Enrichment of MBBS Curriculum with Research Component: Road to Professional Achievements. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):21-23.
- Ananthakrishnan N., Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan R, Pulimoottil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR. SBV Model of Competency Based Learning and Training (COBALT) For Post Graduate Education. Annals of SBV, 2017;6(1):5-9.
- Adkoli BV. Changing Trends in Health Professions Education: the need to strike a right balance! Editorial. Annals of SBV 2017;6 (1):4
- Singh S. Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR, Ezhumalai G. Students’ perception of problem solving exercise in radiology education for undergraduates. EPJMR 2017;4(02):631-38.
- Singh CS, Adkoli BV, Ezhumalai G, Sethuraman KR. Status of radiology teaching at undergraduate level. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):41-43.
- Manoharan PS, Sethuraman KR, Adkoli BV, Kumar R.S. Speaking the same language in health professions education. J Adv Clin Res Insights. 2017; 4, 181-186
- Adkoli BV. The role of feedback and reflection in medical education. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science, 2018; 2(1):34-40
- Singh, CS, Adkoli, BV, Sethuraman,KR, Ezhumalai, G. Assessing the Effectiveness of Innovative Teaching in Radiology for Undergraduates using Focus Group Discussion, International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2018; 7(2):RO24-RO29
- Manoharan PS Sethuraman KR, Narayan KA, Adkoli BV Feasibility of a Design of an Objective Framework for Internal Assessment of Post Graduates in Prosthodontics. SBV Journal of Basic Clinical and Applied Health Science 2018 (2), 28-35
- Adkoli B.V., Pawar S.J. Conflict Management Strategies – Implications for Health Professions Education JBCAHS 2018;2(3):132-138
- Adkoli B.V. Assessment of professionalism and ethics. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences, January-April, 2019;6(1):2-9
https://10.18231/j.jeths.2019.002 - Adkoli B V, Parija S C. Systems approach in medical education: The thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. Trop Parasitol 2019;9:3-6
- Tamijeselvan S., Adkoli B.V., Ravichandran V. Effects of using power point method for teaching radiography students. International Journal of Research and AnalyticalReviews (IJRAR), 2019; 6:847-53
- Tamijeselvan S, Adkoli BV, Ravichandran V. A Scoping Review on Dental Students’ Knowledge and Awareness on Radiation Protection. Ann SBV 2019;8(2):26–29.
- Adkoli BV, Parija SC. Applying systems approach for bridging education, research, and patient care in a health sciences university Tropical Parasitology 2019; 9(2):77-82
- Adkoli B.V. Faculty Development in Health Professions Education: A Review. Sri Ramachandra Journal of Health Sciences, 2019; 1 (1):1-7
- Adkoli BV. Tips for Overcoming the Publication Challenges Faced by Young Researchers. Ann SBV 2020;XX(X):1–2.
- Adkoli BV. Educational Research: Much Unexplored Pathway to Career Enhancement of Teachers in Health Sciences. Ann SBV 2020;9(1):2–6.
- Parija SC, Adkoli BV. The Contours of Medical Professionalism. J Basic Clin Appl Health Sci 2020; https://www.jbcahs. org/doi/JBCAHS/pdf/10.5005/jp-journals-10082-02231.
- Adkoli BV, Parija SC. Development of Medical Professionalism: Curriculum Matters. J Basic Clin Appl Health Sci 2020; 02243.
- Parija SC, Adkoli BV. Medical Professionalism: during COVID-19 Times and Beyond. J Basic Clin Appl Health Sci 2020;3(3):93–95.
- Parija S.C., Adkoli B.V. A Sustainable Model of Faculty Development Programs for Health Sciences Universities in India, UNIVERSITY NEWS, 58(25) June 22-28, 2020 : 8-12
- Adkoli B.V. Humanities in Medical Education – A Book Review Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics Vol. 10, No. 3, November, 2020, pp-163-164
Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Professor of Eminence
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Residents working hours and patient safety: have we finally laid the issue to rest! National Medical Journalof India, 29, 23-5, 2016.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Competency based postgraduate medicale ducation. Proceedings of the National Conference on Health Profession Education, Pondicherry, August, 2016.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Workplace based assessment – is it feasible in India? Proceedings of Meducon, 2016, NTTC. JIPMER, Pondicherry.
- Usha C, Sethuraman KR, ANANTHKARISHNAN N, Narayan, KA. Multisource feedback in dentalpostgraduation: a qualitative research. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 2017, 5(1), 10-17.
- Ramesh R, ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Results In, “Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper” Parija SC, Kate V, Eds, Springer, Singapore, 2017, 61-74.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N,Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan R, Pulimoottil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR. SBV model of Competency based learning and training (COBALT) for Postgraduate Education. Annals of SBV, 2017, 6, 5-9.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N Council or Commission: Are we between Scylla and Charybdis? Editorial, SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science 2018;2:1-3.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Training the IMG to be a clinician The pedagogic challenge to curriculum formulators. Reflections – Bulletin of the medical Education Unit, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences, 2018,18,12-15.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Competency based undergraduate curriculum for the Indian Medical Graduate, the new MCI curricular document: Positives and areas of concern. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Sciences, 2,184-192, 2018.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Sethuraman KR, Ramivhankar M, Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan P. Competency based learning and training for medical postgraduates within regulatory guidelines in India – The SBV Competency based learning and training model © National Medical Journal of India, 2019, 32;365-8.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. National Institutional Ranking Framework criteria are against the interests of Health Science Institutions. National Medical Journal of India, 2018, 31, 379-80.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Can one be so wrong about NEET? National Medical Journal of India, 2018, 31, 254.
- ANANATHAKRISHNA N Perception and assessment of scholarship inhealth science institutions in India – gap between the existing and the desirable. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Sciences,2019;2:32-37.
- Kate V, Kalyarasan R, Subair M, ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. How to write and publish a research paper. In, Haribhakthi s, Ed, Surgical Gastroenterology, 3rd Edition, Paras Medical Publisher, Hyderabad, 2020, 1880-9.
- Jannani M, Muthandam S, Sethuraman KR, Narayan KA, ANANTHAKRISHNAN N,Adkoli BV. Assessment of self-perception of Competencies among a group of Dental Interns inPondicherry, India. Journalof Education and Health Promotion, 219, 42, 1-8. (DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_53_19.)
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Appraisal of Schoalrly Activities of Medical Faculty for Career Advancement and Recognition: A suggested Scheme in the Indian Context. Journal of Basic Clinical and Applied Health Sciences 2019.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Promoting research for undergraduates of Medicine in India – A critical necessity. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research,[Downloaded from,, August 19, 2020, IP:]
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Training the IMG to be a clinician: The pedagogic challenge to curriculum formulators. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 2020;6(3):90-92.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N, Sethuraman KR, Ravishankar M, Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan P. Competency based learning and training formedical postgraduates within regulatory guidelines: the SBV Competency-Based Learning and Training Mode c National Medical Journal of India January 2, 20121,IP:125.17.188-202.
- ANANTHAKRISHNAN N. Communication training for obtaining informed consent for medical research. In, Parija C and Adkoli BV, Eds, Effective Medical Communication, Springer Verlag, Singapore, 2020;63-76.
Prof. M. Shivasakthy, Deputy Director
- 1.Shigli K, Nayak SS, Nayak PP, Basavaraj A, Shivasakthy M. Innovative solutions to reform geriatric oral health in India: Alliance for healthy aging. Indian J Comm Health. 2021;33(1):222-225.
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan. National Education Policy 2020 – A Viewpoint with Respect to Higher Education. IJARESM 2021;9(5):964-67.
- Kamal Shigli, Sushma Nayak, Shimpa Sharma, Veena Nayak, Prajna Pramod Nayak, Pradeep Kulkarni, Shivasakthy Manivasakan. Interprofessional education – a case for Gerodontology training. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education 2021;42(2):151-65. PMID: 33161893
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan, Pradeep Thangamuthu, Sethuraman K Raman, Kanchana Manivasakan. Mobile Application for teaching and assessing Students Needing Additional Curricular Support (SNACS) in Dental Education. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 2020;24(8): 5397-5405.
- Parija SC, Manivasakan S. Knowledge on practice management and financial literacy need of the hour JSD 2019;9(1):1.
- Shivasakthy Manivasakan, K Raman Sethuraman, Arumugam Santhadevy, Ravindran Saravanakumar. Strategic Method to Identify Students Needing Additional Curricular Support: Empirical Evidence across Courses in Health Professions Education in a Private Health Sciences University. SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science 2019;2(2):69-72
- Manivasakan Shivasakthy. Predictive utility of performance of students of dentistry in the first periodic assessment. NMJI 2018;31(1):32-34.
- Manivasakan Shivasakthy, Raman Sethuraman K, Devy A Santha, Saravanakumar R. The clinical dental undergraduate’s perception of stress origin in India: A cross-sectional study. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2018;9:197-200
- Manivasakan Shivasakthy, K.R. Sethuraman, Carounanidy Usha. Value the Formative Assessment, for it Values the Student Outcome – A Historic Cohort Study of Dental Undergraduate Students in India. International Journal of Learning and Teaching 2018;4(2):124-27.
- Sathyanarayanan U, Manivasakan S, John BM. Long-term outcome evaluation of faculty development program for dental educators: A questionnaire survey. J Educ Ethics Dent 2018;8:6-12.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Santha Devy A, Saravanakumar R. Dental Education Upgrade – Mapping of the new path in current Indian context. Annals of SBV 2017;6(2):10 13.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Saravanakumar R, Santha Devy A. Stress Perception of Second-year Dental Undergraduate Students – A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Basic Clinical and Applied Health Sciences 2017;1(1):32-37
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR. Students Needing Additional Curricular Support and Psychological Support (SNACS, SNAPS) – A perspective shift. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):44-47.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Carounanidy Usha. Quality improvement and future directions of dental education. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2016;6(1);1-5.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Carounanidy Usha. Learn slow, achieve low, students needing additional curricular support and psychological support (SNACS, SNAPS). International Education & Research Journal 2016;2(9);9-10.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Adkoli BV. Acceptability and feasibility of choice based credit system in BDS syllabus. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 2016;4(7):73-80.
- Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Narayan KA. The proposal of a BDS syllabus framework to suit choice based credit system (CBCS). J Clin Diagn Res 2016;10(8):JC01–JC05.