ROC No: L-72649/2018 ROC Date: 22 Jan 2018 Diary No. : 9024/2017-CO/L Work Title: The SBV protocol for Post Validation of Learning Outcomes Type Of Work: Literary/ Dramatic Published: No Applicant Name: SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH Author Name: Dr. KR Sethuraman, Dr. VN Mahalakshmi
Author: Dr. KR Sethuraman, Dr. VN Mahalakshmi
ROC No: L-74647/2018
ROC Date: 20 Apr 2018
Diary No. : 8961/2017-CO/L
Work Title: Security and Unique design features of SBV examinations answer booklet
Type Of Work: Literary/ Dramatic
Published: Yes
Author Name: Dr. Jagan Mohan R, Dr. Mahalakshmi
Author: Dr. Jagan Mohan R, Dr. Mahalakshmi
ROC No: L-73127/2018
ROC Date: 07 Feb 2018
Diary No. : 9089/2017-CO/L
Work Title: SBV /IGIDS – CB-CRESIDENT (Choice Based Credit System In Dentistry)
Type Of Work: Literary/ Dramatic
Published: No
Author Name: Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Dr.M. Shivasakthy, Prof. K. A. Narayan
Author: Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Dr.M. Shivasakthy, Prof. K. A. Narayan
ROC No: L-68024/2017
ROC Date: 26 Aug 2017
Diary No. : 9262/2017-CO/L
Work Title: KGNC’s INFINITI – Mind Mapping Learning Model
Type Of Work: Literary/ Dramatic
Published: No
Author Name: Mrs. K. Jayanthi, Dr. Renuka K
Author: Mrs. K. Jayanthi, Dr. Renuka K
ROC No: L-74646/2018
ROC Date: 20 Apr 2018
Diary No. : 9030/2017-CO/L
Work Title: STRAP –SNACS – The SBV initiative (The STRAtegicPathway for Students Needing Additional Curricular Support – The SBV initiative)
Type Of Work: Literary/ Dramatic
Published: No
Author Name: Dr. CarounanidyUsha, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr.M. Shivasakthy
Author: Dr. CarounanidyUsha, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr.M. Shivasakthy
ROC No : L-73467/2018
ROC Date : 20 Feb 2018
Diary No. : 9257/2017-CO/L
Work Title : SBV-EPICS (Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth-Evidence-Based Personalized Imparting of Communication Skills)
Type Of Work : Literary/ Dramatic
Published : No
Author Name : Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Dr.Varsha Murthy, Dr.K.R.Sethuraman
Author: Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Dr.Varsha Murthy, Dr.K.R.Sethuraman
ROC No: L-74827/2018
ROC Date: 26 Apr 2018
Diary No. : 9306/2017-CO/L
Work Title: SBV Innovative Credit Based Curriculum for PGDHPE
Type Of Work: Literary/ Dramatic
Published: No
Author Name: Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. B. V. Adkoli, Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dr. K.A. Narayan
Author: Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. B. V. Adkoli, Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dr. K.A. Narayan
ROC No: L-68024/2017
ROC Date: 26 Aug 2017
Diary No. : 9262/2017-CO/L
Work Title: KGNC’s INFINITI – Mind Mapping Learning Model
Type Of Work: Literary/ Dramatic
Published: No
Author Name: Mrs. K. Jayanthi, Dr. Renuka K
Author: Mrs. K. Jayanthi, Dr. Renuka K
ROC No : L-73178/2018
ROC Date : 09 Feb 2018
Diary No. : 9133/2017-CO/L
Work Title : SBV/IGIDS ‘s Systematic Competency Oriented Education for CRRIs in Dentistry. [ SBVs SCORE ]
Type Of Work : Literary/ Dramatic
Published : No
Author Name : Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dr. P. S. Manoharan
Author: Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dr. P. S. Manoharan
ROC No: L-73125/2018
ROC Date: 07 Feb 2018
Diary No. : 9026/2017-CO/L
Work Title: Clinical posting for 250 students in the 3rd semester – The Integrated ‘Introduction to Clinical Medicine’ MGMCRI model
Type Of Work: Literary/ Dramatic
Published: No
Author Name: Dr. VN Mahalakshmi, Dr. Ravishankar M
Author: Dr. VN Mahalakshmi, Dr. Ravishankar M
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
S. No | Name of the patent applicant/ author | Application Number | Title | Year |
1. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy | IPO: 201741013553 PCT/IN2017/000134 Patent granted no: 425471 | SNACS - An Educational System for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education | Filed IPO: 17.04.17 Applied PCT:28.11.17 Published WIPO:25.10.18 Published IPO:26.10.18 Granted: 16.03.23 |
2. | Dr. Nalini YC, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. Dinker Pai, Dr. David Livingstone | Cervical, Neck and Cervical Collar Lymph Node Pathology and Palpation Simulator | Filed IPO: 14.12.21 Published IPO:04.02.22 Granted: 21.12.23 |
3. | Dr. Nalini YC, Dr. Dinker Pai, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. David Livingstone | Capillary blood puncture simulator | Filed IPO: 13.12.21 Published IPO: 04.02.22 Granted: 16.05.24 |
4. | Dr. Dinker Pai, Dr. David Livingstone, Dr. M. Shivasakthy | Sebaceous Cyst Enucleation simulator | Filed IPO: 13.01.22 Published IPO: 04.02.22 Granted: 14.03.24 |
5. | Dr. Dinker Pai, Dr. David Livingstone, Dr. M. Shivasakthy | Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy simulator trainer cartridge | Filed IPO: 16.03.21 Published IPO: 04.02.22 |
6. | Dr. Prathima, Dr. David Livingstone, Dr. M. Shivasakthy | Dental Pulpotomy and Pulp capping simulator | Filed IPO: 13.01.22 Published IPO: 04.02.22 |
S No | Name of the copyright awardee | Diary number RoC number | Title |
1. | Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan | 8916/2017-CO/L | Competency Based Learning And Training Program (Cobalt) For Post Graduates In Medicine |
2. | Dr. K.A. Narayan, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. B.V. Adkoli | 9306/2017-CO/L L-74827/2018 | SBV Innovative Credit Based Curriculum for PGDHPE |
3. | Dr. K.A. Narayan, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. B.V. Adkoli | 9089/2017-CO/L L-73126/2018 | SBV Innovative Credit Based Curriculum for MPhil in HPE |
4. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. Carounanidy Usha | 9030/2017- CO/L L – 74646/2018 | STRAP-SNACS The SBV initiative (The STRAtegic Pathway for Students Needing Additional Curricular Support - The SBV initiative) |
5. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. K.A. Narayan | 9089/2017-CO/L L-73127/2018 | SBV/IGIDS CB-CRESIDENT (Choice Based Credit System in Dentistry) |
6. | Dr. K.R. Sethuraman Dr. Manoharan | 9133/2017-CO/L | SBV/IGIDS – SCORE model (Systematic Competency ORiented Education model) for interns |
7. | Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. Varsha | 9257/2017-CO/L | SBV-EPICS (Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth-Evidence-Based Personalized Imparting of Communication Skills) |
8. | Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. Varsha | 9258/2017-CO/L | SBV-Practice Oriented- Peer Review for Prosthodontics, (SBV-PrO-PReP) |
9. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. K.A. Narayan, Dr. V.R. Rajan | 8274/2018-CO/L L-76874/2018 | Post Graduate certificate Programme in Health Sciences Library Information Technology |
10. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Mrs. Anu Thelly, Dr. R. Saravana Kumar, Dr. M. Senthil | 17354/2018-CO/L L-80273/2019 | Credit based integrated module on palliative care for undergraduate dental students |
11. | Dr. Sanguida.A, Dr. SaravanaKumar. R, Dr. Manoharan.P.S, Dr. Pratheba Balu, Dr. Senthil.M, Dr. Shivasakthy.M, Dr. Vikneshan. M, Dr. Jananni. M, Dr. Suganya.M | 12249/2019-CO/L L-85609/2019 | “Integrated Teaching Module on Sterilization and Disinfection for Undergraduate Pre-clinical Dental Students” |
12. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. M. Senthil, Dr. M. Vikneshan, Dr. R. SaravanaKumar,, Dr. M. Suganya, Dr. M. Jananni, Dr. P.S. Manoharan, Dr. B. Pratebha, Dr. A. Sanguida | 12286/2019-CO/L L-85910/2019 | Integrated Teaching Module on Aesthetic Dentistry for Undergraduate dental students |
13. | Dr. Jananni, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. Carounanidy Usha | 12248/2019-CO/L L-85900/2019 | D.E.E.P questionnaire to assess competencies of interns |
14. | Dr. SaravanaKumar.R, Dr. Shivasakthy M, Dr. Sanguida A, Dr. Senthil.M, Dr. Vikneshan.M, Dr. Manoharan P.S, Dr. Pratheba Balu, Dr. Suganya.M, Dr. Jananni M | 12060/2019-CO/L L-86001/2019 | ICED (Integrated Curriculum on Ethics for Dental Undergraduates) - A SBV Initiative |
15. | Dr. Manoharan P.S, Dr. Jananni.M, Dr. Senthil M, Dr. Shivasakthy M, Dr. SaravanaKumar R, Dr. Suganya M, Dr. Sanguida A, Dr. PrathebaBalu, Dr. Vikneshan M | 12885/2019-CO/L L-86089/2019 | Integrated Teaching Module on Diagnosis and treatment planning |
16. | Dr.Suganya M, Dr. Sanguida A, Dr.Vikneshan.M, Dr. Saravana Kumar R, Dr. Manoharan PS, Dr.Janani.M, Dr.Shivashakthy.M, Dr. Pratebha Balu, Dr. Senthil.M | 12367/2019-CO/L L-86400/2019 | Integrated syllabus on Forensic Odontology for Undergraduate BDS curriculum - A SBV initiative |
17. | Dr. R. Saravana Kumar, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. B. Pratebha, Dr. A. Sanguida,, Dr. M. Vikneshan, Dr. Manoharan. PS, Dr. M. Jananni, Dr. M. Senthil, Dr. M. Suganya | 12353/2019-CO/L L-86384/2019 | Integrated Teaching Module on Basic Implantology for Undergraduate clinical Dental students |
18. | Dr. Shivasakthy M, Dr.M. Jananni Muthu, Dr. A. Sanguida, Dr. M. Senthil., Dr. Saravanakumar. R, Dr. M. Suganya, Dr. M. Vikneshan., Dr. Manoharan. PS, Dr. B. Pratebha | 12355/2019-CO/L L-86387/2019 | Integrated Teaching Module on Dental armamentarium for Undergraduate Dental student |
19. | Dr.Pratebha, Dr.Shivashakthy M, Dr.Senthil M, Dr.Vikneshan M, Dr.Suganya M, Dr. Sanguida, Dr.Manoharan PS, Dr.Janani.M, Dr.Saravankumar R | 12366/2019-CO/L L-86399/2019 | ICBS (Integrated Curriculum on Behavioral Sciences) - A SBV Initiative |
20. | Dr. Shivasakthy, Dr. S.R. Rao. Mrs. Asha, Dr. Jagan | 5636/2021-CO/L L-102124/2021 | SBV Scholastic Updates Linked Professional Training program - SBV SCULPT |
21. | Dr. Renuka K, Dr. B.V. Adkoli, Mr. Dhivagar S, Mrs. Jayanthi K, Mrs. Prabavathy S, Ms. Jayasri J | 16232/2019-CO/L, L-87506/2019 | KGNC Competency Based Education Module (CBME) for undergraduates in Mental Health Nursing |
22. | Dr. C.S.Singh, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. Ezhumalai G, Prof. B.V. Adkoli | 14669/2019-CO/L, L-87715/2019 | Designing teaching modules based on problem solving exercise (PSE) approach for radiology undergraduates |
23. | Dr.C.S.Singh, Prof.K.R. Sethuraman, Prof.B.V.Adkoli Dr. Ezhumalai | 21141/2019-CO/L L-89870/2020 | Tools for assessing the student's perception of the effectiveness of Radiology teaching using Problem Solving Exercise (PSE) approach |
24. | Dr.C.S.Singh, Prof.K.R. Sethuraman, Prof.B.V.Adkoli, Dr. Ezhumalai | 21140/2019-CO/L L-90647/2020 | Tools for assessing the students’ knowledge and interpretive skills in Radiology for medical undergraduates |
25. | Prof. Subash Chandra Parija,Prof. Balachandra V. Adkoli, Archana Gopalakrishnan | 11386/2020-CO/A, A-134762/2020 | MASCOT Ms. Comini |
26. | Prof.B.V.Adkoli | L-96821/2020 | S-5 Formula for Leadership Development |
27. | Prof.B.V.Adkoli | L-103924/2021 | Redefining ‘Best Practices’ In Higher Education Institutes |
28. | Prof.B.V.Adkoli | L-99583/2021 | ABCD-SERvice to Authors of Book Chapters |
29. | All faculty and PGDHPE 2019 batch | 5642/2021-CO/L L-102126/2021 | ABC model of PGDHPE Curriculum |
30. | Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. B. V. Adkoli, Dr. M. Shivasakthy | L-112667/2022 | SBV Policy for Enhancing Student outcomes |
31. | Dr. B.V. Adkoli, Dr. M. Shivasakthy | L-112782/2022 | SBV Policy for Faculty Development Programs |
32. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy | L-112846/2022 | Students Needing Additional Curricular Support and Students Needing Enhanced Curricular Support (SNACS/SNECS) |
33. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy | L-126724/2023 | Algorithm of academic guidance – Matching strategies to the needs |
34. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy | L-124577/2023 | 4S Model for Students Needing Additional Curricular Support |
35. | Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. M. Shivasakthy | L-99486/2021 | SBV innovative choice based credit system curriculum for B.Sc Operation Theatre Technology |
36. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan | L-99487/2021 | SBV innovative choice based credit system curriculum for B.Sc Optometry |
37. | Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. M. Shivasakthy | L-99488/2021 | SBV innovative choice based credit system curriculum for B.Sc Cardiac care Technology |
38. | Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. M. Shivasakthy | L-99582/2021 | SBV innovative choice based credit system curriculum for B.Sc Medical Imaging Technology |
39. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan | L-99643/2021 | SBV innovative choice based credit system curriculum for B.Sc Medical Laboratory Technology |
40. | Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. M. Shivasakthy | L-99702/2021 | SBV innovative choice based credit system curriculum for B.Sc Anaesthesia Technology |
41. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan | L-99642/2021 | SBV innovative choice based credit system curriculum for B.Sc Physician assistant |
42. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr.K.R. Sethuraman, Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dr. K.A.Narayan | L-147725/2024 | Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT) |
43. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr.K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. K.A.Narayan | L-147783/2024 | SBV Standard Operating Protocol for identification and management of students with different learning abilities – Version 2023 |
44. | Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan | L-148026/2024 | Unified SBV faculty performance appraisal form – Annual Performance Indicator |