Institute of Health Professions Education (IHPE), is committed to develop as a leader in health professions education in the country by 2025.
- To launch innovative programs in health professions education, in order to develop leaders who are competent and willing to meet the future challenges in the health sector.
- To explore the application of emerging technologies such as simulation pedagogy, e-learning and blended learning to address clinical competence, as well as, soft skill development.
- To support faculty development programs (FDP) and explore new models of FDP including online FDPs across SBV Institutions and at the national level.
- To promote research, innovations, publications and scholarly activities embracing the whole gamut of health professions education leading to Intellectual property Rights.
- To facilitate networking, collaborative projects, studies and research to establish communities of practice.
- To foster inter-professional education in health profession.
What is unique about us?
We are a pioneer Health Sciences Deemed University in the country to offer a stream of innovative courses in health professions education, exclusively based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) recommended by the UGC/NAAC as a path-breaking reform
Our courses range from short Certificate Courses to Diploma in Health Professions Education (PGDHPE), M Phil Programme (all credit based), leading to Ph D in health professions education (External and Internal)
We emphasize inter-professional education. We cater to the needs of teachers (medical, dental, nursing and allied health sciences) who wish to pursue higher degree in health professions education and develop educational scholarship.
There is tremendous flexibility in pursuing these courses based on the CBCS pattern. One can enter or exit at various levels, depending upon the availability of time and career aspiration.
All our courses are based on “Heutagogy model” in which the participants are self-determined and pursue collaborative learning.
The Journey from SBV Ahead to IHPE
In 2013 Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth established an Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development (SBV AHEAD) to drive home the concept of interprofessional education bringing together educators from medical, dental, nursing, and allied health professionals under one umbrella. The academy conducted Various capacity-building programs for the faculty members of the constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, by involving the Medical Education Unit (MEU) and Dental Education Unit (DEU). The enthusiasm generated by these short-term programs led to the introduction of an innovative program ‘Post Graduate Diploma in Health Professions Education’ started by the academy in 2014. However, considering the need for an organizational structure for launching various programs, a separate Centre for Health Professions Education was established in 2015.
The Centre for Health Professions Education was the brainchild of NTTC, JIPMER pioneers Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, former vice-chancellor of SBV, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean of faculty and Prof. K. A. Narayan, Professor of Community Medicine, MGMCRI. They were joined by Prof. Narasimman, Prof of Pathology, MGMCRI (former member, NTTC, JIPMER) and Dr. Mangayarkarasi from CIDRF, SBV as the resource faculty. Prof. B.V. Adkoli adorned as the first Director, Centre for Health Professions Education and Prof. M. Shivasakthy as the Deputy Director, CHPE, SBV. Credit Based Certificate courses, Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professions Educations, MPhil and PhD programme were commenced in the year 2016. The centre has more than 50 alumni who have completed their HPE programs.
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is the first health sciences university in the country to introduce an executive development program, Scholastic Updates Linked Professional Training (SCULPT) for the school and college teachers of different disciplines in 2020 with 100 alumni at present. Online Fellowship in Health Professions Education was introduced during the pandemic in 2020-21. In view of the changing environment for Education based on the National Education Policy 2020, the shift to Objective Based Education (OBE) based on NAAC recommendations and the globalisation of education, the University deemed it fit to upgrade the Center to an Institute of Health Professions Education with Prof. K.A. Narayan as the Director and Prof. M. Shivasakthy as the Deputy Director, IHPE.
Vision of CHPE
- To emerge as one of the leaders in Health Professions Education in the country.
- To develop a cadre of health professions educators and leaders across the health profession, who are competent and willing to meet the future challenges in the health sector [Core value – Innovation]
- To support faculty development programs across SBV Institutes [Core value -Leadership].
- To emerge as one of the Centres of Excellence in Health Professions Education in the country by promoting faculty development, educational research, networking and scholarly activities in HPE [Core value – Excellence]
- To foster inter-professional education in health profession[Core value –Teamwork/ Collaboration]
Institute of Health Professions Education (IHPE), is committed to develop as a leader in health professions education in the country by 2025.
Core Values
Our core values are –Innovation, Leadership, Excellence and Collaboration and Team work