News and Updates

International Symposium on Education to promote Global Peace & Human Agency
he Institute of Health Professions Education (IHPE), Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, India & Centre of Excellence for Learning and Teaching (COELT) AIMST University, Malaysia, jointly organized

Workshop on Educational Research
On 5th September 2024, the Institute Day and the Teachers Day was commemorated at the Institute of Health Professions Education. A workshop on Educational Research

Foundation day of SBV
Foundation day of SBV was celebrated on 4th August 2024. Hon’ble Chairman Shri. MK Rajagopalan presided the ceremony with the august presence of Guest Speaker

SBV Foundation Day -2024
The 17 th Foundation Day of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV), Deemed to be University,accredited by NAAC with A++ Grade was celebrated on 4 th August

Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training – Refresher workshop (FEAT- 6)
The Institute of Health Professions Education, SBV conducted the in-house faculty development program “Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT)- refresher workshop” for faculty members of

Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training – Refresher workshop (FEAT- 5)
The Institute of Health Professions Education, SBV conducted the in-house faculty development program “Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT)- refresher workshop” for faculty members of

Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT 4)
The Institute of Health Professions Education, SBV & Medical Education Unit of SSSMC&RI conducted the in-house faculty development program “Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT)”

Cordial visit – Dr. Gitanjali, Pro Vice-chancellor, Gitam University
Dr. Gitanjali, Pro Vice-chancellor, Gitam University, Vishakhapatnam paid a cordial visit to the Institute of Health Professions Education on 08.04.2024 and interacted with Prof. K.

SBV Vasudhaiva Kudumbakkam – G20 Food Mela – 2024
INDIAN FOOD & CULTURE SUMMITby the Conglomeration of Constituents of SBV.Come, savour, immerse in authentic flavours and culture of our country. An Event organized by

Cordial visit – Dr. G. S Subramanian, Former Director, CIDRF
Dr. G. S Subramanian, Former Director, CIDRF, SBV paid a cordial visit to the Institute of Health Professions Education on 18.03.2024 and interacted with Prof.

International Conference on Challenges & Opportunities in the Implementation of Competency Based Education (CBE)
The International Conference on Challenges & Opportunities in the Implementation of Competency-Based Education took place at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth in Pondicherry, India, from January 23

Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT 3)
The Institute of Health Professions Education, SBV & Medical Education Unit of SSSMC&RI conducted the in-house faculty development program “Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT)”

Choice Based Credit System & Academic Bank of Credits
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell and the Institute of Health Professions Education of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry in collaboration with Digital India corporation, National e-

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell and the Institute of Health Professions Education of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry organized a one-day sensitization program on Choice Based

Visit from MoU partner AIMST University Malaysia (04.08.2023)
Cordial visit by Datuk P. Kamalanathan, Dato Dr. S. Ananthan, Dato P. Amarendran, Board of Directors, Dr. Ramesh Kumaresan, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Dr. Haarindra Prasad,

Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT) – 2023
The Institute of Health Professions Education conducted the in-house faculty development program “Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT)” for faculty members of the SAHS, KGNC,

Visit of Prof. Ashok Puranik, Director, AIIMS Guwahati (19.05.2023)
Cordial visit to IHPE by Prof. Ashok Puranik, Executive Director – AIIMS Guwahati accompanied by Prof. Nihar Ranjan Biswas, Vice chancellor, Prof. A. R. Srinivasan,

Prof. Nihar Ranjan Biswas, Former Director and Vice Chancellor, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna, Bihar assumed the office of the Vice Chancellor, Sri

International Workshop on
Program & Course Outcomes – Mapping & Analysis
International Workshop on “Program & Course Outcomes – Mapping & Analysis” started with SBV anthem, IHRC theme song, Video clipping of SBV, Messages of Chancellor

21st Century Health Professionals
International Interprofessional Educators Symposium
The second day of the Program entitled “21st Century Health Professionals International Interprofessional Educators Symposium” started with SBV anthem, IHRC theme song, Video clipping of

International Workshop on
Implementation of Problem Based Learning in Health Professions Education
International Workshop on Implementation of Problem Based Learning in Health Professions Education was organized by the Institute of Health Professions Education (IHPE) on 20.01.2023 as

Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT)
The Institute of Health Professions Education conducted the in-house faculty development program “Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT)” for faculty members of the Indira Gandhi

Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT) Program outcomes and consensus meet
Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT) – Program outcomes and consensus meet was held on 08.12.2022 between 11.30am – 01.00pm in Benjamin Bloom Hall, 1st