KGNC- IQAC unit and Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing organized a Multidisciplinary Teaching Learning Programme on “Malabsorption Disorders for the students & Faculty of KGNC on 06.02.2019 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm, I floor Lecture Hall, KGNC. The program was inaugurated by Dr.Renuka.K, Principal/HOD Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, KGNC along with the team of medical-surgical nursing. Various sessions were dealt with professors and lectures of MGMCRI and also faculty from KGNC. All presenters gave a broad overview of “Malabsorption Disorders “which was an eye-opening session for the students. The session was very informative and it was a comprehensive talk from anatomy aspects to nursing care for the beneficiaries. The students gave an enthusiastic response to this collaborative presentation, which was evident through the feedback and post-test score.