- To maintain the website as a repository of information that will create public awareness of the college and its profession.
- To generate favourable interest in internal auditing and enhance the professional image of the college and the profession.
To develop the academy website to provide appropriate and relevant updated information to the public.
- Keep the website current and accurate.
- The Web Committee’s main responsibility is to ensure that the website contains the highest quality and most up-to-date content.
- This includes communication about specialized activities and events related to the college.
- Updating news, respecting past and future Association sponsored activities, sporting events, etc., and current developments respecting Association recognized clubs.
- The Web Committee functions as representatives of the Observatory community and includes representation from all appropriate major entities of the Observatory.
- It solicits feedback from the community, monitor implementation of tasks and advice the webmaster on priorities.
- Initiated Learning Management System and Google calendar.
- The Web Committee defines and regularly reviews in cooperation with the webmaster policies relating to web page content such as policies regarding commercial use of pages, use of copyrighted material, reliability of content, accessibility of content and advertising.
- The Web Committee should review and revise procedures for web content management and maintenance.
- The committee should determine the scope of responsibility of the webmaster and regularly review these responsibilities in light of workload and resource allocation.
- The Web Committee meets on a regular basis, every month second Thursday. More frequent interaction between the Web Committee and web team through electronic communication is required to ensure that procedures are established for content management.
- Develop methods to assess the use and usefulness of the website to the public and to members and recommend such changes as may be appropriate.
All meetings will be regularly scheduled in every month second week (Thursday), widely announced and open to faculty and students. An executive session may be called by the Chair as required.
- Plan to initiate online courses.