MGMARI and its school and centres offers tailor made, future ready courses for the students with unparalleled access to hospitals, industries and its state-of-the-art research facilities. Our courses are co-developed with extensive engagement and participation of national and international academia, institutions, and industries. Together we build a deeper, more holistic scientific education environment that empowers.
Special Features
- Course curriculum advised by a Scientific Working Group of specialists from bio-industry, Entrepreneurs and Academic experts.
- Faculty from MGMARI, Medical colleges, leading Industry and International universities are involved.
- Industry visits, internships and hospital exposure are integrated.
- Opportunity to specialize in basic and industrial aspects of biopharmaceuticals, stem cells, gene therapy; bio-design and medical devices/implants; Diagnostics and platforms; rDNA products development and their use in medicine; regulatory sciences.
- Access to an advanced bio-medical research facility with GLP Animal house and animal alternative facility; Genetics and Molecular biology platform and biological samples; are provided for in-house R&D.
- Tailor-made education and industry ready skill development training for students with the scope of employment in bio-industries, academic, government research laboratories and bio entrepreneurship and as science product managers.