Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute along with the Kirumampakkam police station conducted an anti-narcotics awareness rally on 24th June 2022 in commemoration of International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. The rally was conducted from Kattukuppam – Cuddalore road to SBV University Campus. The rally was headed by the Superintendent of police, respected Dean Professor Seetesh Ghose, Vice principal student affairs Professor Padmavathi S, Deputy medical superintendent Dr. Swati Jayanth Pawar, Head of department of ENT Professor Karthikeyan. Students from MGMCRI, IGIDS, KGNC and AHS participated actively in this rally. The rally began at 9. 30 am where the students walked from Kattukuppam to our institute by holding posters and banners, spreading awareness by using slogans and educating the general public about the harmful effects of the use of drugs. In the institute the students were addressed by the Inspector of police who advised the students about the harmful effects of the use of drugs and how there has been an increased use of drugs amongst college students. The rally came to an end at 10: 30 am.