As per the instructions from the Chief Minister, Health minister on 7.4.2020 all the private medical colleges were assigned the duty of active community surveillance activities i.e. house to house screening of individuals by doctors. The entire population of Puducherry has been divided into 6 zones, divided by Primary Health Centres (PHCs) for 6 private medical colleges.
MGMCRI was allotted with 5 PHCs (3 rural and 2 urban) for performing surveillance activities. The micro plan was prepared for individual PHCs and day wise micro plan was prepared to allot students for the survey. A team of 130 doctors (PGs and Interns) and 4 social workers were assigned for duty. Around 10 health workers (ANM, AWW, ASHA) per day were allotted by the PHC MO for guiding us in the field. All the individuals were screened for symptoms of COVID 19 and a history of travel to other districts/states and countries were ruled out. Data was collected and uploaded using Epicollect 5 app.
Active case finding was done by the house to house survey in all 5 PHCs. This data has been sent to Govt. of Puducherry and a line listing of individuals who had symptoms of COVID 19 was done. A medical team from the PHC went back to the symptomatic patients and they have tested and treated the patients.
Data collection during a survey by the MGMCRI team