MGMCRI participated
- in 2012 July, south zone level inter-medical collegiate tournament PEGASUS’12 held at Christian medical college, Vellore and won 1st place in football
- in 2012 august, state level inter-medical collegiate tournament ADRENA’12 held at Sri Venkateswara Medical college, Pondicherry and bagged 1st place in football and table tennis (men) ; 2nd place in volleyball (women)
- in 2012 august, State level inter-collegiate tournament 4th MIT rolling trophy held at ManakulaVinayagar institute of Technology, Pondicherry and won 1st place in throw ball (women) and 2nd place in staff cricket
- in 2012 September, All India level inter-medical college tournament SPANDAN’12 help at JIPMER, Pondicherry and won 1st place in shot-put (women); 2nd place in javelin (women) and 4 x 100 mts replay (men) and 3rd place in 100mts (men) 200 mts (men) javelin (men) and triple jump (women)