A total of 110 people attended the CME. At 10 am welcome address was delivered by Mrs. Patricia Infanta, Faculty – AHS, SBV, followed by lighting of the lamp. At 10.30 am the inaugural speech was delivered by Dr. Pajanivel. R, Prof. & HOD, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine. Later Dr. A.N. Uma, Vice Principal, AHS, delivered the Principal’s address. A short video by the SBV – Respiratory therapy team was telecasted which included Wishes to “Team- Pulmonary Rehabilitation of SBV on Respiratory care week”, by Respiratory therapists around the globe. Ms. Saranya Jeyachandran, Respiratory Therapist, Lecturer, FAHS, SRMC, delivered a talk on ‘Chronic lung diseases’. She covered the topic in a very interesting way with pictorial representation. She told about the role of respiratory therapists in COVID-19 pneumonia. Dr. Muhamed Kamaludeen, Assistant Professor, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine, delivered the talk on “Bronchiectasis – An overview”. He enlightened about the clinical aspects of bronchiectasis and in detail about the role of Respiratory Therapists and physicians in rehabilitation. In the afternoon (2.30 to 3.45 pm) workshop on spirometry was conducted at the Department PFT lab. It was an interactive session.