The theme of Earth Day 2021 is to ‘Restore Our Earth’. It focuses on adopting natural processes and emerging eco-friendly technologies that can restore ecosystems. Earth Day is symbolic of all that we are aiming to do to make this world a better place for future generations. “When we heal earth we heal ourselves.” Keeping this quote in mind students council of MGMCRI conducted a competition for all the interested and diligent writers on ‘World Earth Day’ on April 22, 2021on the topic ‘Modern technology owes ecology an apology’ and also an Art and Craft competition related to the theme ‘world earth day’ (ex: Global Warming). It was an inspirational event and motivated many students to develop more concern about our earth. A notable one was the sketching by Ms. Medha Paul who did a pencil sketching of a Sumatran Rhinoceros.