
Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training – Refresher workshop (FEAT- 5)

The Institute of Health Professions Education, SBV conducted the in-house faculty development program “Faculty Empowerment for Academic Training (FEAT)- refresher workshop” for faculty members of the School of Allied Health Sciences by Prof. M. Shivasakthy, Director, IHPE.
A pre workshop questionnaire was given to assess the challenges faced by the faculty in implementation of SOP for identifying and supporting students with different learning abilities. Based on the response, the clarifications and discussions were conducted related to Students Needing Additional Curricular Support (SNACS) and Students Provided Enriched Curricular Support (SPECS). The workshop was conducted on 09.05.2024 and covered details on Identification of SNACS/SPECS, Identification of individual student learning needs and Implementation of support strategies along with documentation of the intervention and the outcomes.