The Critical Care Nurses Society of India has Organized 1st International Conference of Regional Federation of Critical Care Nurses, SAARC Countries at Belagavi, India on 8th and 9th February 2019. The theme of the Conference was Synergize Culture, Achieve Competency, Aim Excellence, and Resonate Compassion. Dr.Renuka K, Dean cum Head, Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing has attended the conference as a Resource Speaker and deliberated on Trans Cultural Nursing for Customized Care. The Faculty Members of Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing – Mrs.Manopriya V, Assistant Professor, Ms.Praimathi A, Tutor, Mr.Surendran S R, Tutor, and Mr.Vijayanandh M, Tutor participated in the Conference as delegates along with Post Graduate students of Medical-Surgical Nursing – Mrs.Ishrath Fathima I, Ms.Sribharathy J.
Various Competitions were organized based on the Conference Theme. Of which, Mrs.Manopriya V, Assistant Professor and Mr.Surendran S R, Tutor were participated in Concept Map Presentation with Living with Terminal Illness and Fitness Tracker – A Wearable Health Device as their topics respectively.
Mrs.Manopriya V, Assistant Professor, Ms.Praimathi A, Tutor, and Mr.Surendran S R, Tutor were actively participated as a team in CCNS Mastermind Quiz and bagged Second Prize. Mrs.Manopriya V, Assistant Professor, and Mr.Surendran S R, Tutor has participated in Elevator Pitch Competition. Mr.Surendran S R has won the First Prize.