Women’s Cell of SBV conducted a unique programme on 8th March 2019 to celebrate
theInternationalWomensDay. Four exemplary women employees of SBV were awarded
the “Woman of the Year” – in Teaching Faculty, to Prof.Prabhavati, in Technical
Nursing and Administration to Mrs Lakshmi Thangam, Assistant Nursing Supervisor
and Mrs. Kousalya, Linen Incharge and in Housekeeping category to Mrs.
Sarasukumari. The awards were given on the basis of their displaying skills of
workplace dynamics like proactiveness, innovative ways and timeliness in
completing the given tasks, conflict resolution and many more, said
DrSwati DeshmukhPawar, Secretary, Women’s Cell, SBV.
Prizes were distributed to the winners of MCQ contest held
byNationalCommissionofWomen, GOI by the Vice-Chancellor, SBV, Dr.Subhash
Chandra Parija. The Chairperson of Women’s cell SBV, Dr ShobanaJaiganeshgave an
overview of the milestones achieved by the Women’s Cell at SBV said that SBV,
as a progressive organization is inclusive and strives towards gender
The Chief Guest, Prof, Anitha Mabel Manohar, Director, National Institute of Fashion Technology, Chennai, commented that the programme was a truly conducted keeping in mind the theme of this year, “THINK EQUAL, BUILD SMART, INNOVATE FOR CHANGE”. Secretary thanked the Executive Members of the Womencell, Dr.Renuka, Dr.Vidhyalakshmi, Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, Prof Rajeswari, and Dr A N Uma for their support.