
Start-Up Mentoring Workshop on Healthcare Product Development

A “Start-Up Mentoring Workshop on Healthcare Product Development” organized by Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF), Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth on July 20, 2019. This workshop was supported by the Medical Council of India (MCI). Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J, Scientist, CIDRF was the Organizing Secretary and Dr. Balanehru Subramanian, Director, CIDRF was the Organizing Chairman of the Start-Up program. The organizing team members were Dr.A.Jayamuruga Pandian (Deputy Director, CIDRF), Dr.Agiesh Kumar (Deputy Director, CIDRF) and Dr.N.Mangaiyarkarasi (Senior Scientist, CIDRF). The participants comprised of faculty and students of biomedical engineering and biomedical research. Sessions had one overseas speaker and seven nationally renowned speakers in the area. The workshop also had a panel discussion to discuss pertinent issues relating to entrepreneurship and product development. This workshop was organized to mentor participants on product development related to healthcare. To meet this objective the workshop covered topics that would interest scientific minds involved in biomedical product development.