awards & recognition
Copy of Commendation Certificate and Receipt of Cash Award
Felicitation Program NAAC 2021 Contributors
2023 - 2024
International Yogasana Prize for SBV PhD Scholar
Ms Anjali Rai, PhD Scholar in Yoga Therapy at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth won the Third Prize (19-27
years female category) in the International Yogasana Competitions held by Government of
Puducherry from 4th to 7th January 2024.
The Best Institute for Yoga Therapy award was presented to us in recognition of our outstanding contribution to the field of Yoga therapy. Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, the esteemed Director of the Institute of Salutogenesis and Complementary Medicine at SBV, graciously accepted the award on our behalf. Yogachemmal Dayanidy G and Yogachemmal Dr. R Balaji, Assistant Professors of the School of Yoga Therapy, ISCM, SBV, were awarded the Karma Yogi award for their exemplary service in the field of Yoga therapy.
The award was presented by distinguished personalities including Prof. Dr. R Elangovan, Secretary Indian Yoga Association Tamilnadu Chapter, Shri A. Chandrasekeran,Former Asst. Director, Enforcement Directorate, Chennai, Yogachemmal Ravi Arumugam, Secretary Tamilnadu Yogasana Sports Association, and Lion M. Babu, President, TNYSA.
Dr John Baliah, Reader, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, received the OMR Mangalore Study Group Award for the Best Research Paper with cash award in the National IAOMR PG Convention 2023 held at GSL Dental College and Hospital, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh on 18.08.2023 and 19.08.2023.
Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, crown & Bridge was awarded as the Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences (MNAMS), Govt. of India at NAMS-Convocation in the presence of His Excellency Governor of Karnataka, Shri. Thaawarchand Gehlot, Prof. S P Singh Baghel, MoS- for Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Jitendra Singh, MoSScience and Technology, Govt. of India, Dr. M R Jayaram, Chancellor, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Dr. Shiv Kumar Sarin, President of NAMS and Dr. Umesh Patil, Secretary of NAMS held as part of the 63rd Annual Conference of National Academy of Medical Sciences at MS Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore on 07.10.2023.
Dr. Leoyol Thomas, Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, crown & Bridge, was awarded third place in the faculty session poster presentation in SIMSYM 2023 organized by the department of prosthodontics and implantology held at Saveetha Dental College, Chennai on 11.10.2023, 12.10.2023,13.10.2023&14.10.2023
Prof. Aruna Devi M, Department of Community Health Nursing was awarded, State NSS Award (2022-23) in the category of “Best Programme Officer” organized by National Service Scheme (NSS), Puducherry held on 6th October 2023.
Mrs.Saranya S, Department of Child Health Nursing, KGNC received Best paper award for presenting a scientific paper on Computer Assisted teaching Program on Prevention and Management of Dengue fever in children among Mothers in National level Seminar at Sri Manakula Vinayagar College of Nursing, Puducherry, held on 18th August 2023.
Prof. Dr. Helen Shaji J.C., Principal Shri Sathya Sai College of Nursing received Certificate of Appreciation for the Commendable contribution to NAPCAIM ICON 2023 as a PROMISING ASPIRANT IN PALLIATIVE CARE, awarded by National Association of Palliative care for AYUSH and Integrative Medicine on 7th October 2023.
Mrs.P.Lavanya, Assistant Professor in Microbiology, received the Best Award for Oral Presentation titled “Molecular diagnosis of Genital Urea Plasma species in symptomatic and asymptomatic women by using Duplex PCR” as part of the 4th National Conference of ICMLS 2023 held on 3o.09.2023 and 01.10.2023 at JIPMER, Puducherry.
Prof.E.Shanmugananth, Prinicpal, was honored with the prestigious “Award of Greater Contribution” in recognition for the exemplary service in Physiotherapy Profession in the 3rd International Physiotherapy Conference,IPCON 2023, at Chettinad School of Physiotherapy, CARE, Kelambakkam, on 4th August 2023.
Ms. Anu Savio Thelly, Department of Palliative Care, received the International Excellence Award in Palliative Care (2023-24) from the Cancer Aid Society. The event took place during the International Conference of the Indian Association of Palliative Care, Ahmadabad, on 8-11 February.
Dr. S. Bavadharani, Assistant Professor, Microbiolog y, was presented and awarded “Nawopia Dr.Pankajalaxmi V. Venugopal Prize for Best paper in Mycology-2023” for the paper entitled “Susceptibility pattern of aspergillus flavus to conventional and newerazoleanti-fungal agents and detectionofcyp51(a,b,c) genemutation among azole resistant isolates” at the 46th National Conference of India Association of Medical Microbiology held at King George’s Medical University, Lucknow from 23rd to 26th November 2023.
Dr. Vandana, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, received the OMR Mangalore Study Group Award for the Best Faculty Research Paper titled “GC-MS Profiling and Novel Antibacterial Effect of Ethanol Extract of Leaves of Ipomea on select oral microorganisms causing gingivitis” with cash award at the 34th National IAOMR Conference 2023 held at Bapuji Dental College and Hospital, Davangere, from 01.12.2023 to 03.12.2023.
Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Director ISCM, SBV & Chairman ICYER received “Nrtya Surabhi Award” from URise Vedic Sangeetha Academy, Bangalore on 26th November 2023.
Mr. Dayanidy G, Asst. Professor, SYT, ISCM received “Best Paper Presentation Award” in the International Yoga Summit 2023 of Indian Yoga Association held from 17th to 19th November 2023 at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Shantikunj, Haridwar.
Prof.E.Shanmugananth, Prinicpal, was bestowed with prestigious Physio Ratan Award for Excellent & outstanding contribution in the field of Physiotherapy in recognition to his unwavering dedication and expertise at the 9th International Conference of Physical Therapy, INCPT AIIMS-2023 organized by the Physiotherapy Unit, Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine & Critical Care at AIIMS, New Delhi, which unfolded its grandeur on the 23rd& 24th of December 2023.
Dr.T.Murugaraj Assistant Professor, has been honoured with Significant contribution award for excellent contribution in the field of Physiotherapy during 9th International Conference of Physical Therapy, INCPT AIIMS-2023 organized by the Physiotherapy Unit, Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine & Critical Care at AIIMS, New Delhi, held on the 23rd& 24th of December 2023.
Dr. Umamaheswari. G, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology received a Best Oral Presentation Award from the National Conference on “Emerging AI Tools for Drug Discovery and Development” (AIDDCON-2024) organized by Shri Venkateshwara College of Pharmacy, Ariyur, Puducherry on 21.03.2024 & 22.03.2024.
Dr Senthil M, Professor and Head, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, SBV was a resource person for the Dr. YSR University of Health Sciences zonal CDE program titled “A need of the hour for Viksit Bharat at Narayana Dental College & Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh held on 05.02.2024.
Dr. Saradha, Professor, Dept of Pharmacology served as a Judge in the SBV Awards-High Impact Educational Practices Presentation held during HPEdCON 2024 held at SBV between 23rd and 25th January 2024, Organized by IHPE in collaboration with AIMST University, Malaysia.
Dr.V.Velkumar Assistant Professor, has been honoured with significant contribution award for excellent contribution in the field of Physiotherapy and awarded third prize & won bronze medal in research scholar category for his scientific paper presentation entitled Retro Walking exercise versus core stability exercise: Efficacy in alleviating osteoarthritis knee symptoms during 9th International Conference of Physical Therapy, INCPT AIIMS-2023 organized by the Physiotherapy Unit, Department of Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine & Critical Care at AIIMS, New Delhi, held on the 23rd& 24th of December 2023.
Ms.Fathima Bee, Tutor in Optometry, was awarded the “Best Faculty of the Year” for her hard work, dedication & passion at the 3rd International Optometry Conference organized by ASCO, India.
2022 - 2023
Dr.T.Rajini Samuel Associate Professor of Biochemistry was awarded Indian Achievers’ Award & Atmanirbhar Bharat Award 2022 by the Indian Achiever’s Forum for his Excellence in Innovation on 21st August, 2022 at New Delhi
Dr.T.Rajini Samuel, Associate Professor of Biochemistry was presented with the Global Achievers Awards 2022 for the Best Medical Science Researcher awarded by High Flyers 50 Global Recognition of Outstanding Achievers Held On 5th December 2022 at Mumbai.
For the excellent contribution towards Mega Covid 19 vaccination, Shri Sathya Sai College of Nursing received AWARD of EXCELLENCE IN PUBLIC HEALTH oNn03.02.2023 from the Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Chengalpattu.
Prof. Dr. Helen Shaji J.C., Principal, Shri Sathya Sai College Of Nursing, was awarded “MUTHU PENNAWARD 2023” by RMD Group of Hospitals & Aura Holistic Wellness Centre on 02.04.23.
Prof Dr Ananda BalayogiBhavanani, Director of ISCM has been awarded the most prestigious PuduvaiKalaimaamani award for distinction in Natyam by the Govt of Pondicherry on 29.04.2023
Sri Dayanidy G, Assistant Professor, School of Yoga Therapy, ISCM received IESRF Young Researcher Award organized by Innovative Education and Scientific Research Foundation sponsored by IP Innovative Publication Pvt. Ltd., NewDelhi at NDMC Convention Hall, NewDelhi on 18th & 19 th March 2023.
Dr. Setu Rathod, Professor in the Department of OBG was awarded First Prize in Poster Presentation on Comparison of Ultrasonic Measurement of Fetal Kidney Length with other Fetal Biometric Indices in Determining Gestational Age in 3rd Trimester at Advances 2023 Organized by Trivandrum OBGYN Club from July 12- 14, 2023
Dr. Setu Rathod, Professor in the Department of OBG was awarded First Prize in the Quiz competition organized at Advances 2023 organized by Trivandrum OBGYN clubfrom July 12-14, 2023.
Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, won the award of Best Oral Presentation as a part of the Jogja Rendezvous for Innovation and Transformation in Medical Education ( Just in Time) 2023 on 10 July 2023.
Mr. Manivannan L, Director of Physical Education at SSSMCRI received the International Achievers Award for Excellence in Yoga and Physical Education organized by Pathanjali College of Yoga and Research in March 2023
Dr.E.Shanmugananth, Head of the Department, was awarded for his Academic Excellence at “Scintilla’23 National Physiotherapy Conference” organized by JDT Islam College of Physiotherapy,V e l l i m a d u k u n n u , Kozhikode on 19th & 20thMay 2023.
D r . K . V e n k a t e s h , Associate Professor, was awarded for his Outreach Excellence at “Scintilla’23 National Physiotherapy Conference” organized by JDT Islam College o f P hy s i o t h e r a py, V e l l i m a d u k u n n u , Kozhikode on 19th & 20thMay 2023.
Mr. Raghav Rajouria, Lecturer, SYT, ISCM was awarded the Best Teacher award by the Tamilnadu Yogasana Association, Chennai.
Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, won first prize in the Poster Competition on Learning Resource Development, as a Part of the block 4, Organized by the Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 11 August 2022.
Mr. Yogananthem, Senior MRI Technician & Bsc MIT Course Coordinator, SSSMCRI was Awarded with "Life Time Achievement Award" in Memory of Dr. V.P. Narayanan for the Year 2022, by Dr. G S Sameeran IAS, Coimbatore District Collector, on Appreciation of his Service at the National Conference Organized by Society of Indian Radiographers and Technologists and Adithya Institute of Health Science, Coimbatore on 16 & 17th August 2022.
2021 - 2022
Dr.T.Rajini Samuel, Associate Professor, Dept of Biochemistry was awarded the Indian Achievers Award for Excellence in Innovation by the Indian Achievers Forum.
Dr Saravanakumar, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontology has received “Gomathi Radhakrishnan Distinguished Alumni Award” at 15th Convocation of MAHER held on 4.12.2021.
Prof. Sumathy P, Vice Principal, KGNC, received the SBV-Women of The Year award 2022, during the Women’s Day Celebration organized by Women Cell, SBV held on 31st March 2022.
Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics, officiated as Judge for Young Researcher Award for e-paper presentations organized by Indian Medical Association, Tamil Nādu State branch on 16.12.2021.
Mrs. Aruna Devi M, Associate Professor, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, KGNC has been awarded the Best Nodal Officer (Colleges)SVEEP Cell in the National Voters Day 2022 organized by office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Puducherry in recognition of the exemplary work done during the year 2021 held on 25th January 2022.
Ms. Tamilarasi K, Tutor in Clinical Nutrition was awarded the BEST POSTER AWARD entitled on “Role of Probiotics in the management of Helicobacter pylori infected patients” in the ICNC (IAPEN Clinical Nutrition Congress) – 2022 organized by IAPEN, Delhi at AIIMS, New Delhi between 19.03.2022 and 20.03.2022.
Prof. Kripa Angeline A, Nursing Superintendent received the First prize for Pitch your Idea for Organizational Growth contest and NICU staff nurses team bagged the First prize (cash award) for video contest.
Dr. R. Sobana, Professor of Physiology received Ph.D award at the SBV Medical Convocation 30.06.22.
Dr. Swetha T, Assistant Professor, received the SBV Gold medal, for her Academic achievement in the Fellowship of Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia (FUGRA).
Dr. Joseph Jenson, Assistant Professor, Dept of DVL received ‘Best Dermatologist Award’ from Sangeetha Educational Trust Chennai on 22.4.2022.
Dr.Mohan Ram Kumar Assistant professor of Ophthalmology was awarded Best Ophthalmologist Award for the year 2021 conducted by Dr. Sangeetha Health and Educational group held on April 22nd at Holiday Inn, Chennai.
Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was felicitated with a Certificate and a cash prize of Rs. 86000/- for his contribution in scientific research and publication during the SBV Research Award Ceremony on 03 June 2022.
Dr. David Livingstone, Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics, received a certificate of appreciation and cash award for contribution in Research and publication, SBV research week, organised by Scientific and Academic Forum under the auspices of Research, Innovation and development, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth held on 03.06.2022.
Dr.A.N.Uma Professor of Medical Genetics & Principal of AHS was awarded the BEST PAPER AWARD entitled on Chromosome abnormalities indicating infertility in patients with gender dysphoria in INFORM 22 organized by Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute on 22nd April 2022.
Dr.A.N.Uma Professor of Medical Genetics & Principal of AHS received the Honour Award in SBV YOGA FEST 2022 organized by CYTER, SBV on 31.05.2022.
Mrs.P.Lavanya, Tutor in Microbiology was awarded the “SPECIAL JURY AWARD In Poster Competition” entitled on “Molecular detection of genital Mycoplasma genes among symptomatic women by using conventional Polymerase Chain Reaction – A pilot study” in INFORM 22 organized by Panimalar Medical College Hospital & Research Institute on 22nd April 2022.
Mrs. E. Priya, Tutor in Biochemistry received the Honour Award for the Elective coordination in SBV YOGA FEST 2022 organized by CYTER, SBV on 31.05.2022.
Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Deputy Director, CHPE, received a certificate of appreciation and cash award for contribution in Research and Publication, SBV research week, organised by Scientific and Academic Forum under the auspices of Research, Innovation and development, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth held on 03.06.2022.
International Yogasana Prize for SBV PhD Scholar
Ms Anjali Rai, PhD Scholar in Yoga Therapy at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth won the Third Prize (19-27
years female category) in the International Yogasana Competitions held by Government of
Puducherry from 4th to 7th January 2024.
The Best Institute for Yoga Therapy award was presented to us in recognition of our outstanding contribution to the field of Yoga therapy. Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, the esteemed Director of the Institute of Salutogenesis and Complementary Medicine at SBV, graciously accepted the award on our behalf. Yogachemmal Dayanidy G and Yogachemmal Dr. R Balaji, Assistant Professors of the School of Yoga Therapy, ISCM, SBV, were awarded the Karma Yogi award for their exemplary service in the field of Yoga therapy.
The award was presented by distinguished personalities including Prof. Dr. R Elangovan, Secretary Indian Yoga Association Tamilnadu Chapter, Shri A. Chandrasekeran,Former Asst. Director, Enforcement Directorate, Chennai, Yogachemmal Ravi Arumugam, Secretary Tamilnadu Yogasana Sports Association, and Lion M. Babu, President, TNYSA.
International Yogasana Prize for SBV PhD Scholar
Ms Anjali Rai, PhD Scholar in Yoga Therapy at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth won the Third Prize (19-27
years female category) in the International Yogasana Competitions held by Government of
Puducherry from 4th to 7th January 2024.
The Best Institute for Yoga Therapy award was presented to us in recognition of our outstanding contribution to the field of Yoga therapy. Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, the esteemed Director of the Institute of Salutogenesis and Complementary Medicine at SBV, graciously accepted the award on our behalf. Yogachemmal Dayanidy G and Yogachemmal Dr. R Balaji, Assistant Professors of the School of Yoga Therapy, ISCM, SBV, were awarded the Karma Yogi award for their exemplary service in the field of Yoga therapy.
The award was presented by distinguished personalities including Prof. Dr. R Elangovan, Secretary Indian Yoga Association Tamilnadu Chapter, Shri A. Chandrasekeran,Former Asst. Director, Enforcement Directorate, Chennai, Yogachemmal Ravi Arumugam, Secretary Tamilnadu Yogasana Sports Association, and Lion M. Babu, President, TNYSA.
Photo Gallery
2020 - 2021
Dr.R.Sathyanarayanan, Professor and Head, Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, has been honoured with “Young Achiever Award” in recognition of outstanding early career achievement and his successful contribution
to the field of oral maxillofacial surgery
Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Deputy Director, Centre for Health Professions Education was conferred the “Eminent Teacher Award” for being a role model to the entire teaching fraternity at SBV on the commemoration of teacher’s day 2020 at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth by Dr. Rakesh Agarwal, Director JIPMER presided by Prof. Subash Chandra Parija, honourable vice-chancellor, SBV on 05.09.2020.
Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj was promoted as Head of
Department of Physiology on 26.08.2020
Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani,Director
CYTER, was honored with the prestigious “_ irumoolar
Award” by Patanjali College of Yoga on 20.9.2020 for his
service to the cause of traditional yoga worldwide. The
award was bestowed in an online event attended by many
luminaries in the field of yoga from all over the world
Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Deputy Director, CHPE received the “SHRI. GURUCHARAN DAS ENDOWMENT MEDAL FOR BEST Ph.D SCHOLAR” in the annual convocation of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth held on 26.12.2020
Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics received the “Global Faculty Award” for contribution in the field of education in the Global faculty award and conclave held on 27.03.2021 and 28.03.2021
Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Director, CYTER was awarded with “Kaliyuga Yoga Siddhar”in recognition of his achievement in the
field of Yoga with its ideals amongst all of our global society. This was awarded by Tamilnadu Yogasana Association, Madurai, Tamlinadu.
Dr. Shivashankar Kengadaran, Senior lecturer,
Department of Public Health Dentistry was awarded as “Best Researcher” by International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine on 28.8.2021 and 29.8.2021
Memorable award for awareness health talk on COVID-19 in the remembrance of Muhamedali Abdul Majith in Covid Awareness conference at 25th Book Fair organized by Puducherry Writers Book Association, held on 20th December 2021
Indian Achievers Award for Excellence in Innovation
Dr. Dost Ahmed Khan, Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, SSSMCRI, SBV, receiving the COVID-19 Innovation award.
Dr. Ananda Balayogi, Dr. Meena Ramanathan, Dr. Dayanidi, felicitated with cash award, memento and certificate, for their recognition by the Ministry of Ayush, GOI for their innovative contribution to the society, through online class on common yoga protocols, on the International Yoga Day.
Dr. Nirmal Coumare V, Dr. Swati Pawar felicitated with cash award, memento and certificate, for their recognition by the Government of Puducherry, towards contribution of healthcare workers for public screening and safety during the pandemic.
Dr. Balanehru S, Dr. Rajkumar C felicitated cash award, memento and certificate for their tireless efforts in obtaining recognition for the COVID-19 testing lab and the NABL accreditation of the same.
till 2019
Faculty Award List
Report on Recognizing the Achievers
Patents and Copyrights
Publication Awards
Incentive Details
Faculty Award List
Report on Recognizing the Achievers
Patents and Copyrights
Publication Awards
Publication Awards – 2018
Publication Awards (2015 – 2017)
Incentive Details