Principal of School of Allied Health Sciences

Dr. A.N.UMA.,
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph. D (Medical Genetics),
B.A., M.A., B.Ed., (English),
Prof in Medical Genetics,
Head, Genetic Division, Anatomy Dept,
Principal, School of Allied Health Sciences,
MGMCRI, SBV, Pondicherry.
Has 23 years of teaching experience. 19 years at MGMCRI. Schooling at Church Park Congregation, Chennai & Sports person & a national Junior High Jumper .Did M.Sc., in Bio Medical Genetics & M.Phil., Genetics at Dr. ALM.PG.IBMS, Madras University, Chennai between 1990 &1993. University Rank Medalist First to be awarded the Medical Genetics, at MGMCRI, SBV University, in 2015 and Completed B.Ed.., Science & English, from IGNOU, New Delhi in 2005 and graduated as ‘Outstanding’ .Completed my B.A., & M.A., English between 2004 & 2007, Annamalai University .Have 32 Copyrights to her credit.
As SAHS Principal, running 16 UG & 6 PG programs with 815 students as strength including B.Sc. & M.Sc. Clinical Nutrition. Have been a resource person, presented papers and participated in more than 250 scientific events.
Publications – Have more than 80 papers published in International, National level and reviewer in many International referred journals. Have been awarded nearly 21 best paper / poster presentations to name a few, the Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Glasgow Award, Scotland, and United Kingdom International Congress of Society for Ethnopharmacology
Life member of Indian Society of Human Genetics
- Received the Eminent Teacher Award for being a Role Model for teaching fraternity at SBV, Puducherry.
Editorial positions
- Editor in chief from January 2010 till date for the official Quarterly Newsletter “The Chronicle” SBV.
- Publications – Have more than 80 papers published in International, National level and reviewer in many International referred journals.