The Dental Education Unit (DEU), Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) and Internal QualityAssurance Cell (IQAC) of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, organized the PG Orientation Program for the 2018 batch dental postgraduate students on 2 nd July 2018 at the MEU hall, annexe block. The program commenced at 2 PM with the ice breaking session conducted by Dr Shivasakthy M, DEU Co-ordinator. Prof. K R Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV, delivered a lecture on “Postgraduate study skills”. As a part of the orientation program “Basic research methodology course” was conducted in association with the Dept. of Community Medicine, MGMCRI, from 3 rd July to 6 th July 2018. Dr Seetharaman, Professor and Head, Dept of Community Medicine, MGMCRI, and Dr Surekha were the key resource persons. Topics covered were anatomy and physiology of a research protocol, formulating a research question, choosing appropriate study designs, reviewing the literature, critical review of evidence and Biostatistics. Twenty-three post graduates attended and benefitted from the program. Certificates were distributed to all the participants and feedback was obtained.