
Statutory Cells & Committees

Grievance & Redressal Committee

About Us

The Student’s Grievance Cell of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth aims to promote and maintain a conducive environment for the students with the objective to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the campus. The committee convenes regular meeting and attends to the grievance addressed by the students and the mode of collecting the grievance is either in person or may be dropped in grievance box. Grievance is also sent through the SBV online grievance redressal portal which is notified and addressed by the higher authorities.

Ombudsperson for SBV Cell for Grievances of Students

Name: Prof. K.V. Deviprasad
Designation: Former Dean
School of Life Sciences,
Pondicherry University
Email ID: [email protected]   

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