The department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry conducted an “Intercollegiate Forensic Medicine Quiz Competition–‘FMT FORUM–2015’ on 24th August 2015 at Puducherry. Dr. KR Sethuraman, Vice chancellor of SBV University inaugurated the program. Dr. Arun. M Professor, JSS Medical College, Mysore, was called in as an expert along with Dr. Fremingston Marak, IGMCH, Dr. Vinod Chaudhari, JIPMER and Dr. Ashutosh, AVMCH, Pondicherry. Dr. N Ananthakrishnan, Dean (PG & Research) and Dr. M Ravishankar Dean (Admin) were Guests of Honour. Students from all Medical Colleges in Puducherry participated in competition. Total 15 teams participated in semifinal rounds. Students from MGMCRI Shrivalli & Shefali Navamani of Vth Semester secured 2nd Place. 1st Place was secured by JIPMER – Puducherry and 3rd Place by IGMC – Puducherry.