Pongal is the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu, celebrated on the first day of ‘Thai’ (Tamil month). A festival to thank God for all his goodness and mercies and to look forward to a prosperous year. It usually falls on the 14th or 15th of January in the English calendar. Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute (SSSMCRI) celebrated Pongal on the 13th of January for the year 2024.
SSSMCRI organized a common celebration of Pongal festival for the entire college. Students were asked to report by 10 a.m. for in front of the college block. The students arrived in traditional dhotis and sarees to mark the occasion. The celebration started around 10:30 a.m and the college was adorned with flowers, thoranam sugarcane stacked to grace the occasion. The entrance of the college was decorated with colorful Rangoli. It was an ambience filled revelry, music; dance and the joyful faces reverberated with big smiles.
Students Council was allocated a spot for their celebration inside the college campus. Pongal was prepared by the SSSMCRI staff and students. The ceremony was inaugurated by lighting the firewood, by Dr. Joydeb Roychowdhury, Dean and followed by Vice Principal Curriculum and Vice Principal Students Affairs and other professors all faculty and Non teaching staffs showed their constant support towards the success of the Pongal celebration.
As the milk came up to the brim of the pot, boiled water and milk overflowed and the crowd cooed ‘pongalo pongal’ to express oneness. The chanting of pongalo pongal! Was excited. The soaked rice and dhal was poured into the boiling milk and water. The sweet pongal dish and sugarcane were then distributed to all the professors and students. Meanwhile there were other activities conducted. The student’s council had organized an rangoli competition for the students to celebrate the traditional art forms.
 The department of Physical Education conducted the traditional games competitions like Uriadithal, duck of war were conducted. Our students as well as our staffs were eagerly participated in the competition. The cultural events like dance and songs, Paraiyattam, Music also were organized to celebrate the pongal festival.
There were a bunch of students taking turns in enjoying the bullock carried around the campus. The day came to an end with the announcement of the prize winners for the best Rangoli done by the students. Everybody left home with memories as It was yet another joyous celebration SSSMCRI had to offer. The celebration became a memorable event. The programme coordinator Dr. L. Manivannan director of Physical Education organized this pongal festival celebration – 2024 successfully.
This is the way we celebrate Pongal Day at our college.