

The School of Yoga Therapy, ISCM of SBV the Mass Demonstration of Common Yoga Protocol at Pondicherry by students and faculty of SBV on 16th June 2023 at Gandhi Tidal. Promenade Beach, Pondicherry. This event was organized with the support of the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India through the MDNIY, New Delhi as part of 100 cities, 100 organizations, and 100 days countdown to IDY 2023. For the above programme on behalf of SSSMCRI 20 students participate the events and make it
grant successes. The students accompanied by Dr. L. Manivannan, Director of Physical Education and Yoga & Mr. Raghav Rajauria, Yoga Therapist of SSSMCRI for both received award of honor from Prof. Dr. Nihar Ranjan Biswas, Honorable Vice Chancellor of SBV. After the Mass Demonstration of Common Yoga Protocol all the participants of students and staff members gathered on the stage for a photograph.