Geriatric care in today's society is an advancing concept that spans the spectrum of aging-related conditions, emphasizing the enhancement of quality of life for both elderly patients and their families. Keeping in view the significant role of geriatric care in alleviating the suffering of terminally ill patients, Shri Sathya Sai College of Nursing organized the value-added course on geriatric care with 10 SBV Credit Points. The program was organised by principal Dr.Helen Shaji J C, organizing chairperson and Mr.Dinesh M, organizing secretary of the Value Added Course. The main aim of conducting this value added course was to impart the significant needed knowledge about geriatric care to the budding health care professionals. The program was held on 13 th & 14 th February 2024 in Lecture Hall-I, Ground Floor, College Block of SSSMCRI. Secessions were held on both days covering various topics of geriatric care like, introduction to gerontological nursing, ageing, ageing process & ageing population, geriatric nursing assessment, healthy ageing, health services and programs for elderly, age friendly environment, management of common diseases of elderly, psychiatric problems of elderly, malignancies of ageing, counselling for elderly,
elder abuse & violence, rehabilitation & occupational therapy. A total of 269 delegates participated in the value added course from various fields
like Nursing, Medical, and Allied Health Sciences. From MBBS there were 3 Students, AHS 65 students and nursing 201 students who participated. Value Added Course Certificates were issued to the delegates. The participants gave a feedback that the sessions were useful for their learning and practice.